1. What are the key elements of the regional strategy for ICT ?
2. What is the budget of the ICT strategy?
3. What type of support services are provided to SMEs to implement the ICT strategy?
4. Is there a voucher scheme in place in the region? If yes: what type? what sector? Are there some specific provisions for ICT? YES/NO What are the specific characteristics of the ICT voucher (conditions & value of the voucher)?
4 bis. What are the lessons drawn from the implementation of your voucher scheme?
5. What is in place in the region to speed up the commercialisation or research results? What are the characteristics of the measures of research results? If yes: what are the provisions for ICT project results?
6. Would you be interested (YES/NO) in being member of an ICT interest group linked to DG CONNECT in order to A) participate in info days when a call of proposals in the framework of Horizon2020 will be launched? B) receive information about call results, in order to spot good regional projects which will not be financed but are nevertheless good proposals, so that you might consider financing them through other financial resources (regional, ERDF, …)? C) exchange practices on how to implement ICT support services to SMEs? D) participate with regional knowledge organisations and SMEs to project results brokerage events, in order to speed up the take up of those project results?
7. If you replied yes to question 6, what do you consider to be the highest value for you/your region in participating in info days related to the launch of Horizon2020 calls for proposals? High/Medium/Low onsidering financing with regional resources good projects that were not withheld for Horizon2020 funding? High/Medium/Low exchanging practices on how to implement ICT support for SMEs? High/Medium/Low taking part in brokerage events? High/Medium/Low
8. A priori, would you be interested in holding a brokerage event in your region? YES/NO
9. Would you be interested in introducing or taking part in a pilot voucher scheme for ICT support in your region? YES/NO