Www.gisela-grid.eu Grid Initiatives for e-Science virtual communities in Europe and Latin America WP3 – User Communities Support – Achievements Diego Scardaci.


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Presentation transcript:

Grid Initiatives for e-Science virtual communities in Europe and Latin America WP3 – User Communities Support – Achievements Diego Scardaci (WP3 Manager) (INFN Catania- Italy) Final Project Review Brussels, 11/10/2012

2 Outline Work Package Objectives Achievements Answers to Reviewers Conclusions GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012

3 WP3 Objective and Structure GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 The main objective of WP3 was to provide specialised support and training to all users of the GISELA e- Infrastructure The GISELA Science Gateway has been a strategic development of WP3 over Y2 to attract more users (e.g. from Regional Communities) providing them with friendly interface, hiding grid complexity WP3 Structure TWP3.1 – Coordination of the Activity (Led by INFN) TWP3.2 – VRC Support (Led by CLARA) TWP3.2 – Validation, Documentation and Training (Led by CIEMAT)

4 TWP3.1 – Objectives & Achievements (1/3) GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 Monitoring the work carried out by each VRC supported by GISELA ‒ VRCs were continuously monitored during the whole project ‒ The GISELA Science Gateway (GSG) has been designed in a VRC- driven format to better evaluate the VRC work To evaluate requests from new applications interested in being deployed on the GISELA production infrastructure ‒ A public survey to propose new applications has been available from the first phase of projects (currently integrated on the VRC-driven GSG, ‒ Applications have been also identified through direct contacts with CLARA and Latin American NRENs

5 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 TWP3.1 – Objectives & Achievements (2/3) To setup and maintain a database with all sort of information about the supported applications and VRCs ‒ Available at To keep track of the usage of the production infrastructure by the supported VRCs as well as all scientific publications generated by their members ‒ VRCs have been continuously monitored, in collaboration with CLARA and NRENs, to identify and support applications ‒ All GISELA scientific publications are listed in the GISELA web-site ( ‒ VRCs related publications have been listed in Deliverable D3.4

6 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 TWP3.1 – Objectives & Achievements (3/3) To work in close collaboration with WP2 providing inputs to dissemination pieces and websites ‒ The GSG layout has been designed in collaboration with WP2 ‒ GSG contents management has been jointly done by WP2 and WP3 ‒ WP3 provided WP2 with several inputs to prepare bulletins, short articles, etc. To evaluate the technical and scientific impact of the supported VRCs ‒ CLARA & NRENs have performed analysis of VRCs’ technical and scientific impact (which led to the restyling of the GSG layout) ‒ We selected applications according to this analysis

7 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 TWP3.2 – Objectives & Achievements (1/2) Identify potential new VRCs in Latin America working in close collaboration with the CLARA partner. Group the applications’ users/developers into VRCs according to their commonalities. Propose the creation of new VRCs ‒ A Task Force, made of WP3, CLARA and NRENs, identified key VRCs and applications through both a dedicated survey and direct contacts ‒ As a consequence  5 VRC-specific dedicated sections have been created in the GSG  89 applications are supported out of which 59 are in production status  16 applications are integrated in the GSG

8 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 TWP3.2 – Objectives & Achievements (2/2) Work in close collaboration with WP4 and WP6 to install all libraries, packages and/or services required by a particular VRC in the CE nodes of the GISELA production infrastructure ‒ Almost all the gridified applications needed custom libraries and packages that have been installed at the Resource Centres by WP4 ‒ A new JSAGA adaptor has been created by WP6 to integrate OurGrid resources in the GSG ‒ The adaptor for OurGrid will be integrated in the official JSAGA release as a GISELA contribution Answer tickets related to the Applications/Users support and issued by developers and users via the central support ticket system ‒ WP3 answered all tickets related to the Applications/Users support (see the WP4 presentation for ticket statistics)

9 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 TWP3.3 – Objectives & Achievements (1/2) Coordinate the GISELA training activities, profiting from the person-power previously trained with EELA and EELA-2 frameworks ‒ 14 training events (7 in Y2) have been organised and held during GISELA, compared to the ≥ 6 pledged in the DoW ‒ Tutors have been selected from the list of persons trained in EELA and EELA-2 projects Provide specific training to application developers ‒ Specific training events have been organised to port new applications on the Grid Infrastructure  5 in the whole duration of the project  3 of them expressly devoted to the integration of applications into the GSG during Y2

10 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 TWP3.3 – Objectives & Achievements (2/2) Validate the Grid services deployed by WP4 and WP6 ‒ Grid services deployed by WP4 and WP6 have been fully tested Create and maintain a repository of self-training materials ‒ The GISELA self-training materials repository contains 79 documents (User guides, Installation guidelines, FAQs, etc.) available at: grid.eu/collection/Project%20Training%20Material?ln=en

GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA Science Gateway ( The GSG is a Web-based environment that allows users to fully exploit the e-Infrastructure - computing (jobs) and storage (data) services - in a very easy way, hiding the complexity of underlying Grid Middleware 11 Multi Languages support New Look & Feel designed by WP2 and CLARA-TT

Multi-language support (as of today, Spanish and English) Authentication based on Identity Federations An open Identity Federation named GrIDP ( has been created to serve all LA countries where an Identity Federation is not yet operationalhttp://gridp.ct.infn.it/ Authorisation managed via LDAP registry Multi-middleware interoperability based on the SAGA OGF standard (JSAGA API) allows to submit jobs and move data on GISELA, using both gLite and OurGrid The GSG is compliant with the EGI VO Portal and Grid Security Traceability & Logging Policies A new generation application registry allows users to directly submit selected applications through the GISELA e-Infrastructure Training Material is available 12 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA Science Gateway Main Functionalities (1/2)

13 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA Science Gateway Main Functionalities (2/2) VRC-driven and oriented: One specific section for each supported VRC containing applications information GISELA Virtual Room: to organise virtual seminars or meetings Success Stories A section to propose new applications to be integrated in the GSG Access through credentials provided by the most famous social networks (e.g. Facebook) and a community page on Facebook Community/ Community/

GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA Science Gateway A new concept of Application Database 14 Direct links to applications run pages A new generation application registry allows users to directly submit selected applications through the GISELA e- Infrastructure

LogoNameCountryStatus CAFeBrazilIntegrated COFREChileIntegrated IDEM-GARRItalyIntegrated RCTSaaiPortugalIntegrated SIRSpainIntegrated GrIDP«catch-all»Integrated eduGAINInter-federation Integrated Authentication based on username/password pair provided by an Identity Provider, hiding digital certificates Official Identity Federations exist in 5 GISELA countries and the GSG supports all of them, on top of the “catchall” one and the eduGAIN inter-federation 15 GISELA Science Gateway Federated Authentication COFRE integrated in September 2012 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012

16 Mexican Identity Federation GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA fostered the creation of Identity Federations in LA and selected Mexico as pilot country due to –The high number of Mexican GSG users –It is where the VO e-Infrastructure services will be run after GISELA In July 2012, a specific training secondment has been held in Catania (Italy), in collaboration with the EPIKH Project, for a Mexican team identified by CLARA, CUDI and UNAM By end of November 2012, the Mexican federation will comprise UNAM, Universidad de Colima (UCOL), Dirección General de Institutos Tecnológicos (DGIT) and CUDI for a total of about 500,000 students and researchers!

17 VRCs supported in the GSG GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 WP3 concentrated its effort towards –Creation of new VRCs sections in the GISELA SG –Increase of the number of integrated applications At the end of the Project, the GSG includes 5 VRC sections with 16 applications –Cultural Heritage (2) –Earth Science (1) –Industry (1) –Life Sciences (7) –Statistics and Mathematics (5) The LA Task Force defined a short-term plan to increase the number of applications –2 applications have been integrated in the GSG after the end of GISELA –9 applications have been already selected to be integrated (an integration training event will be held in Colombia by November)

18 GISELA Science Gateway Sustainability (1/2) The LA Task Force is operational! GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 CLARA and NRENs selected a group of LA people to support the GISELA SG after the project end WP3 coached them thanks to a well-targeted training plan This group, called “Latin American Task Force - LA Task Force” is currently able to manage all the aspects of the GISELA SG –Operational –Content management –Identity federations management –Integrate new applications on the GSG –Preparing GSG end users training materials –Organising GSG end users training events

19 The creation of the LA Task Force and the INFN commitment avoided any disruption on the GSG service at the end of GISELA GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 GISELA Science Gateway Sustainability (2/2) INFN commitments –Short-term  The GSG operation is guaranteed by INFN-CATANIA until CLARA and NRENs are ready to relocate it in Latin America  INFN will continue to support the LA Task Force in the applications integration process –Long-term  a MoU (currently in preparation) between INFN and CLARA will guarantee the support and maintenance of the core GSG software

20 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 From the beginning of GISELA, the Training Plan (TP) has been designed in close cooperation with CLARA TT in response to VRC actual needs The outcomes of the TP contributed to the objective of long- term sustainability of the GISELA e-Infrastructure, as they helped to create and consolidate a group of LA experts capable of providing user support services and operating Grid Resource Centers The TP also helped to consolidate a portfolio of applications integrated in the GISELA Science Gateway Training

21 Training Events organised during the project DateEventPlace 04 th - 27 th July 2012 Special GISELA/EPIKH training support action: Adaptation and integration of new applications into the GSG Catania - Italy 04 th - 27 th July 2012 Special GISELA/EPIKH training support action: Deploy an Identity Federation in Mexico Catania - Italy 18 th - 26 th June 2012 Latin America Joint CHAIN/GISELA/EPIKH School for Application Porting to Science Gateway Mexico City - Mexico 04 th - 15 th June 2012 Latin America "special" Joint CHAIN/GISELA School for Application Porting to Science Gateway Bogota - Colombia 28 th May - 01 st June 2012 Latin America "special" Joint CHAIN/GISELA School for Grid Site Administrators Bucaramanga - Colombia 21 st - 22 nd May 2012Grid Computing Seminar for end-users CICESE Ensenada B. C., Mexico 16 th - 17 th January 2012Training of CEDIA System AdministratorsQuito, Ecuador 13 th - 17 th June 2011Grid Computing for Science & Technology Applications Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico 10 th December 2010Joint CHAIN/GISELA/EPIKH WorkshopValparaiso, Chile 29 th November - 09 th December 2010 Joint CHAIN/GISELA/EPIKH School for Application PortingValparaiso, Chile 22 nd - 26 th November 2010 Joint GISELA/EPIKH School for Grid Site AdministratorsValparaiso, Chile 26 th November 2010Joint GISELA/EPIKH WorkshopMexico City, Mexico 15 th - 25 th November 2010 Joint GISELA/EPIKH School for Application PortingMexico City, Mexico 08 th - 12 th November 2010 Joint GISELA/EPIKH School for Grid Site AdministratorsMexico City, Mexico GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012

22 Post-GISELA Training Events GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 DateEventPlace 4 th October 2012 Sesiones de Entrenamiento Básico para Usar Aplicaciones en el Science Gateway (1 st session) GSG Virtual Room 18 th October 2012 Sesiones de Entrenamiento Básico para Usar Aplicaciones en el Science Gateway (2 nd session) GSG Virtual Room 1 st November 2012 Sesiones de Entrenamiento Básico para Usar Aplicaciones en el Science Gateway (3 rd session) GSG Virtual Room 26 th - 30 th November 2012 Tutorial for Applications Porting Bucamaranga - Colombia 3 rd - 7 th December 2012 Tutorial for Resource Center Administrastion Buenos Aires - Argentina

Virtual Meetings (1/2) 23 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 Dissemination and training activities promoted the usage of the GISELA Science Gateway and were organised in collaboration with WP2 and the CLARA TT All Virtual Meetings have been held using the virtual room provided by INFN and integrated in the GSG Two kinds of WP3-related virtual meetings were organised during the second year of the project –Virtual Seminars: to teach developers and members of LA Task Force how to integrate new applications in the GISELA Science Gateway –Virtual Days: to attract potential new users and research communities by presenting success stories and showing how e-Infrastructures and Advanced Computing Services help to reach scientific goals in an easier way

Virtual Meetings (2/2) 24 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012

25 Quality Metrics Quality metricCurrent status Expected outcome R1Number of Active Users in the catch-all VO (prod.vo.eu-eela.eu) R2Number of Active Users in the VRC-driven Science Gateway R3Number of Applications in production status on the e-Infrastructure 5940 R4Number of Applications integrated in VRC-driven Science Gateways 1615 R5Number of specialized Science Gateway for VRC52 D1Number of supported VRCs6≥ 3 D2Number of application’s groups from Latin America45≥ 36 D3Number of training events14≥ 6 D4Number of self-training material79≥ 40 D5Number of papers published (WP3 related)21≥ 20 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012

26 Reviewers Recommendations (1/2) Increase user pool size ‒ The new model based on the GSG allowed us to attract several new users (174 as of today) Increase applications number ‒ 59 applications are in production status Establish a process for the user/partner feedback collection ‒ The new layout of the GSG, developed in collaboration with CLARA-TT and WP2, derives from user opinions and needs ‒ The GISELA Science Gateway pages can be commented by users Support users through application development and deployment ‒ Virtual Seminars have been organised to teach developers and members of the LA Task Force how to integrate new applications in the GISELA Science Gateway ‒ The LA Task Force has been built and trained to continue this support action after the project lifetime GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012

27 Organisation of VRC-tailored tutorials, workshops, Gridification weeks ‒ Several training events have been organised to deploy new applications on the GISELA SG during the second project year ‒ All of the applications integrated in the GSG during the training events were proposed by the users through VRC-dedicated surveys Adapt current applications to the Science Gateway ‒ 16 applications have been integrated in the GSG Participate in the development of new services, as requested by the VRCs (validate WP6 development) ‒ The JSAGA adaptor for OurGrid has been developed by WP6 and tested by WP3 ‒ The new adaptor has been integrated in the GSG and will be part of the JSAGA release as a GISELA contribution GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 Reviewers Recommendations (2/2)

August - September ROC Handover Platform Testing SG Application Testing User Support (Tutorial) SG Community Marketing October - November ROC Operation New SG Application User Support (Tutorial) SG Community Marketing December - January ROC Operation New SG Application User Support End user training SG Community Marketing WP3 WP3: e.o planning Latin American Task Force GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/

29 Conclusions (1/2) GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 WP3 decided to follow a new strategy, based on the SG model, to reach more users and thus contribute to the sustainability of the e-Infrastructure WP3 built and deployed the VRC-driven GISELA Science Gateway –174 users –Users can submit jobs through a normal web browser –Authentication based on Identity Federations: CAFe (Brazil), Cofre (Chile), IDEM (Italy), RCTSaai (Portugal) and SIR (Spain) federations, as well as eduGAIN inter-federation, currently integrated. –The GSG is independent of the underlying middleware (SAGA OGF Standard adopted) –5 VRC Specialised SGs currently available: Cultural Heritage, Earth Sciences, Industry, Life Sciences and Statistics and Mathematics –16 Applications currently integrated

30 GISELA - Final Project Review - Brussels - 11/10/2012 Conclusions (2/2) WP3 promoted the creation of Identity Federations in Latin America in collaboration with CLARA and NRENs Several training activities have been organised to create a LA Task Force able to manage all the aspects of the GISELA SG Training material has been created and made available athttps://gisela- gw.ct.infn.it/documentacion-ayudahttps://gisela- gw.ct.infn.it/documentacion-ayuda Strong dissemination activities have been organised in collaboration with WP2 to promote the introduction of the Science Gateways Over the 2-year duration of GISELA, WP3 has been key to –Supporting all kinds of users whether from large VRCs or from small groups –Anticipating needs to provide most helpful software tools, e.g. the GSG –Taking care of the underlying Training Program tailored to all requests