EGI Design European Grid Initiative Design Study Proposal
EGI Design Slide courtesy of Kyriakos Baxevanidis, EC Broad scale test-beds Production quality facilities Sustainable e-Infrastructures (utility model) Sustainable grid/data-based e-Infrastructures (utility model) Towards sustainable grid-empowered e-Infrastructures
EGI Design Broad scale test-beds Production quality facilities Sustainable e-Infrastructures (utility model) Sustainable grid/data-based e-Infrastructures (utility model) Towards sustainable grid-empowered e-Infrastructures “…for Grids we would like to see the move towards long-term sustainable initiatives less dependent upon EU-funded project cycles” Viviane Reding, Commissioner, European Commission, at the EGEE’06 Conference, September 25, 2006 Call Identifier: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES Call Topic: INFRA : Design studies for e-Infrastructures Deadline: 2 May 2007 Indicative Budget: € 6 Mio.
EGI Design First e-Infrastructure Call in FP7 INFRA : Design studies for e-Infrastructures Support conceptual design studies for new research infrastructure (or major upgrades of existing ones) of clear European dimension and interest; such studies will help to assess technical and financial feasibility of proposed new research infrastructure Action should also foster emergence of new organisational models to consolidate a sustainable approach to e- Infrastructures, in particular in the domain of grids and data repositories facilitate new service provisioning schemes to be more neutral and open to all user communities and resource providers
EGI Design Challenge and Evolution of Grids Grids today: Project-based funding cycles are a serious problem for grid infrastructure planning and operations Users of grid infrastructures require long-term guarantees to protect their investments (for bringing applications to the grid) Requirements for sustainability: Consolidation of national grid infrastructures and corresponding national funding are key to long-term sustainability Coordination on European level is needed and should be driven by NGIs
EGI Design European Grid Initiative Coordination on European level is needed and should be driven by NGIs The first goal of the European Grid Initiative is to set up a steering body of NGI representatives for European grid coordination The NGI representatives decide about the operation of the European grid infrastructure and provides feedback and advice for the national grid infrastructures The setup of the steering body needs to be carefully designed
EGI Design The EGI Design Study should … … define the scope, functions, and procedures of the European grid infrastructure body including the setup of the EGI Council (NGI representatives) and the transition from today’s grid infrastructures … support the advancement of each NGI to converge into a unique body managing its national grid infrastructure … feed-back and refine the EGI design with the NGI representatives... support the establishment of the European grid infrastructure body and the EGI Council
EGI Design EGI Design Study Consortium … is a group of experts with knowledge and experience needed for advancing EGI to the next level … submits the proposal for the EGI Design Study to the European Commission … gathers input from all entities involved in grid infrastructure operations … distils information into documents … interacts with and seeks endorsement from the NGI representatives … dissolves after project end
EGI Design EGI Design Study Consortium CERN*, Switzerland (Wolfgang von Rüden) CESNET, Czech Republic (Ludek Matyska) CNRS, France (Guy Wormser) CSC, Finland (Kimmo Koski) DFN, Germany (Klaus Ullmann) GRNET, Greece (Fotis Karayannis) GUP Linz, Austria (Dieter Kranzlmüller) INFN, Italy (Mirco Mazzucato) STFC/CCLRC, UK (Michael Wilson) * to be confirmed
EGI Design Workpackage Overview WP1: Project management (Lead: GUP Linz, Austria) WP2: EGI requirements consolidation (Lead: GRNET, Greece) WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap (Lead: INFN, Italy) WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options (Lead: CNRS, France) WP5: Establishment of EGI (Lead: CERN, Switzerland) WP6: EGI promotion and links with other initiatives (Lead: CSC, Finland)
EGI Design WP2: EGI requirements consolidation Objective: To ensure that the future EGI organisation takes the requirements posed by the NGIs and other related stakeholders in a prioritised way into account Tasks: Update and consolidate existing preparatory work (e.g. EGEE, e-IRG, …) Consult with major stakeholders such as NGIs, application communities, … Build a knowledge base for NGIs and EGI Collect use cases for EGI Reflect on the results of the above tasks and incorporate potential feedback
EGI Design WP2: EGI requirements consolidation Issues/challenges: On collecting/prioritising the EGI requirements and use cases: be inclusive, but rational! Balance the diverse requirements posed by –different NGIs –different communities –other stakeholders Keep the knowledge database up-to-date –Establish a good communication basis with NGIs
EGI Design WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap Objective: Based on the requirements analysis performed in WP2, define the functions to be carried out by EGI or delegated in total or partly to other bodies e.g. –e-Infrastructure operation, –Middleware development, standardization –Components integration, certification and deployment –Application support –Outreach and dissemination –Policy, and international cooperation
EGI Design WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap Tasks: Definition of the structural and working relations between EGI, NGIs and EU-Infrastructure related projects according to the functional responsibility attribution Definition of the evolution of the functions and scope for the EGI Present the functional definitions for EGI to the NGI communities, get the feedback for modifications and further revisions
EGI Design WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap Issues/challenges: Workload sharing and synergies between EGI and NGIs Guarantee sustainability of the e-Infrastructure –stability and most effective ways of operations –expansion of the infrastructure in terms of sites, resources, users, and communities –seamless integration in a world wide e-Infrastructure –coordination of the required middleware and operating tool developments Plan a smooth transition without loss in competitiveness and support to user communities Define a model for dealing with new European grid projects to foster technical innovation required by different communities
EGI Design WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options Tasks: Legal options for and design of EGI organisation Governance model (based on WP3 output study issues like Board of Directors, NGI Policy Committee, links with other bodies) Funding model (EC vs. NGI funding, other funding sources) Design of the operational model of EGI or convergence with existing model
EGI Design WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options Issues/challenges: Identify the best legal framework for the EGI organization by surveying large European infrastructure organisations and list pro and cons What are the legal requirements for NGIs? Establish a lean and efficient governance: many stakeholders, partners, funding bodies Propose sustainable financial models Clarify status of personnel associated with EGI
EGI Design WP5: Establishment of EGI Tasks: Support the creation of the new EGI organization Prepare and initiate the seamless transition from existing infrastructure projects (e.g. EGEE) Seek funding from NGIs and the EU to ensure that the essential fraction of skilled personnel operating today’s infrastructures can be taken over
EGI Design WP5: Establishment of EGI Issues/challenges: How to obtain long-term commitments from funding agencies ? How fast can the EGI organization start up? What would be the earliest starting date? Is an interim setup of an organization needed? Is the EGI organization centralized or distributed?
EGI Design WP6: EGI Promotion and links with other initiatives Tasks: Identify potential collaboration partners and stake holders for EGI Establish a basis for liaisons between EGI and related institutions and activities Promote EGI to potential users and providers from science and industry Inform and interact with decision makers and funding bodies on EGI related issues Support the organization of EGI related events
EGI Design WP6: EGI Promotion and links with other initiatives Issues/Challenges: How to increase visibility and acknowledgement of grid computing to increase national support for NGIs? What is the optimal relation between EGI and European grid projects? How can EGI contribute in building the European infrastructure in a sustained way? How to collaborate with other infrastructure communities? How to contribute in supporting the various infrastructures listed in ESFRI roadmap? How to increase the volume of European grid activities through growing input from industry and new user communities?
EGI Design Workpackage Overview WP1: Project management (Lead: GUP Linz, Austria) WP2: EGI requirements consolidation (Lead: GRNET, Greece) WP3: EGI functions definition and roadmap (Lead: INFN, Italy) WP4: Design study of EGI legal and organisational options (Lead: CNRS, France) WP5: Establishment of EGI (Lead: CERN, Switzerland) WP6: EGI promotion and links with other initiatives (Lead: CSC, Finland)
EGI Design Schedule EGI Workshop, Munich, Germany February 26/27, 2006 EGI Proposal Preparation until May 2, 2007 (Call INFRA ) Preparation of EGI Design Project until Nov 2007 EGI Design Project (18 months) Dec 2007 – June 2009 3-4 Workshops for NGI Representatives EGI Operations (1 year overlap with EGEE-III) June
EGI Design Involvement in EGI Design Study EGI Council: NGI Representatives Provide letters of support for EGI Design Study Proposal Deadline: 26 March 2007