Created by Linas Gardauskas Leonardo da Vinci partnership project “Automobility - expansion pack” Leonardo da Vinci mobility project “Through mobility to flexible teaching” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
When we took our luggage, we tried to find out which train go to Odense. Soon we discovered that we need to go to the central train station and from there to Odense.
In Odense we were almost dark, we were greeted by the train station, one of the participants. We piled all the luggage into his car and drove to the hotel. In hotel we where accommodate in one of the rooms. Also the school gave us a bakes, so we can go to school or in town.
From the very morning it took a little while we found the right school (department). During the first day at school we were introduced to the teachers, which will teach us, a students from England, and of course we showed around the school. The school made a great impression on us.
During the first day at school we where participated in the classroom, through whom we have met with students, introduced ourselves and learned about the engines.
In the workshop was quite a lot of stands that have been inserted Ford Fiesta 1.3 l or Fiat Uno 1.0- liter engines. Personally, I had to work only with the Fiat Uno 1.0-liter engines.
We had to completely disassemble the engine, washed key parts of the engine, make needed measurements, replace the defective engine parts, assemble the engine and after all the work to make sure it is working properly.
During our free time we usually traveled around the city. It is a pity that the weather was often quite poor and we had to allow time at the hotel.
On the last day at school, we had finished work on engines and as every Friday we washed all workshop. Upon completion of the workshop we presented the diplomas, as well as bid farewell to the teachers and students.
Packed suitcases, we went to the train station and we got to the train going directly to the Copenhagen airport. At the airport we had to wait over about six hours before the boarding to the plane starts. Early Sunday morning, we were in Vilnius.
I would like to say that this internship I really enjoyed it. I gained new practical and theoretical knowledge that I will definitely use when working or studying in the future. This presentation reflects only the author, and the Commission can not be considered responsible for any use of the information contained therein.