Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health 1 ELECT- European Learning Communities for Training of.


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Presentation transcript:

Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health 1 ELECT- European Learning Communities for Training of people with Mental Ilness ELECT-CONSORTIUM MEETING 1 Malmö 3-5 th March 2008 Ville Grönberg

Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Content of this presentation 1.What is Life Long Learning Programme and Grundtvig Subprogramme? 2.ELECT-project in Brief (activities, outcomes, workpackages)

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Life Long Learning Programme European Commissions Life Long Learning Programme (LLP) supports learning opportunities from childhood to old age in every single life situation. It has a budget of € 7000 millions for the period , and is the successor to the current Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and eLearning programmes. It is composed of 4 sectoral sub-programmes, 4 transversal programmes and the Jean Monnet programme. 3

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Structure of the Life Long learning Programme 4 Source:

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health What is adult education / learning? 5 Source:

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Backround of the Grundtvig subprogramme 6 Source:

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Challences of the Grundtvig subprogramme 7 Source:

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health8

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Additional information More information on LLP and Grundtvig: Brussells Grundtvig infodays presentations: /index_en.htm

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Our contribution to the Grundtvig program ELECT-PROJECT 10

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health11 ELECT-project in brief ELECT project promotes learning opportunities and access to education and employment of people with long-term mental illness Project's purpose is to create a set of supported education methods and tools for people who are recovering from mental illness and wanting to develop their personal qualification, educational pathway and inclusion in the mainstream education and labour market. The project enhances cooperation for education and training support between the Clubhouses' psychosocial rehabilitation, Clubhouse Training Bases, Clubhouse Coalitions and the formal educational institutions in consortium countries

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health12 ELECT history European Clubhouse Conference in Munich 22th-24th November 2006 – Visions for the Future: More speed in Europe to the Clubhouse development (Esko Hänninen) Project planning meeting in Taastrup, Denmark 2nd February 2007 Second project planning meeting and agreement on European Clubhouse Development Partnership (EPCD) in Stockholm 19th March March 30th Submission of the ELECT-project proposal for European Comission. October 18th Elect project has been selected for community co-financing 1st November 2007 – Project starts Steering group meeting in Helsinki Kick of meeting in Malmö

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health EPCD and ELECT 13 EPCD – Agreement EPCD - European Partnership for Clubhouse Development Objective to promote the development of the Clubhouse model in Europe Partners Open partnership – 14 partners so far Coordinator Stakes Funding None, EPCD partners organise planning and other preparations aiming at European funding for Clubhouse development Duration ELECT- Project ELECT - European Learning Communities for training of people with Mental Ilness Objective to develope supported education activities in European Clubhouses Partners 13 partners Coordinator Stakes Funding European Commission, Life Long Learning program, €. Duration

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health14 The life cycle of a project Partner Search Selection Application Evaluation Results Dissemination Action Id ea Agreements Final Report Contractual Period Contract Kick- off Meetin g ’Post-Project’ Phase

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Elect-project Activities 1/2 Finds out the Clubhouse members’ educational goals and career plans for building up individual learning pathways; improves learners basic skills and learning to learn abilities by activating and motivating them to take part in different kinds of short courses, e.g. in career guidance, ICT and languages; organises two European transnational short courses by using Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)-technology; 15

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Elect-project Activities 2/2 develops a set of support measures and tools for assisting the clubhouse member trainees to study with success in formal educational institutions in cooperation with institutions concerned; enhances cooperation and awareness-raising activities between formal adult education and training institutions and non-formal Clubhouse learning communities; organizes a supported education pilot course for qualified trainers and peer trainers and creates a curriculum of supported education. 16

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Project outcomes 1/2 A review of the good practices: Education and training in the European Clubhouses. Members' educational needs and goals. Learners' experiences. A Document of the support methods. support measures and tools for assisting the clubhouse member trainees to study with success in formal educational institutions Two short courses by using Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)-technology 17

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Project outcomes 1/2 Supported education pilot course for trainers and peer trainers A curriculum of the Supported Education training course for the European Clubhouses Five project meetings Website, brochures, newsletters Evaluation report Interim and final report 18

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health19 Project partners 1.Stakes - National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (FI) - Coordinator 2.Swedish Fountain House. Sweden (Lead partner) 3.Fountain House Fonden Danmark. (Lead partner) 4.Mosaic Clubhouse. United Kingdom (Lead partner) 5.Ersta Sköndal University College. Sweden (Lead partner) 6.Paritaetischer Wohlfahrtsverand Bayern e.V. Sozialpsychiatrisches Zentrum 7.Finnish Fountain House Coalition. Finland 8.Foundation Fountain, Fountain House in Oslo. Norway 9.Klúbburin Geysir. Iceland 10.Helsinki Clubhouses registered association. Finland 11.Stiftelsen Vänskap och arbete, Fontänhuset Org. Malmö 12.Caledonia Clubhouse. United Kingdom 13.ICCD (Associated partner)

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health20 How do we organise project activities?  Workpackages 1.Management 2.Activation and motivation 3.Support methods for education and training 4.Training of trainers 5.Quality and evaluation 6.Dissemination and exploitation.

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health21 WP1 Management PartnersObjectivesTasks/products Stakes (lead partner) Swedish Fountain House Fountain House Fonden Danmark Mosaic Clubhouse Ersta Sköndal University College To organise good conditions for the implementation of the project's activities and expected results -Overall administration -Financial administration -Facilitating detailed planning -Organising WP start- up -Internal action rules -Consortium meetings -Steering group meetings -Interim and final reports

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health22 WP2 Activation and Motivation PartnersObjectivesTasks/products Swedish Fountain House (Lead partner) German Clubhouse coalition Fountain House Fonden Danmark Finnish Clubhouse coalition Motivates Clubhouse members to take part in training and finds out their educational goals and needs Improves clubhouse member's basic skills and learning abilities by activating and motivating members to take part in different kind of short courses, e.g. in career guidance, ICT and languages. Survey of prevailing practices Report of good practices Member trainees' educational needs and goals + report CSCL courses + feedback Learning pathways and plans Review of WP activities

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health23 WP3 Support methods PartnersObjectivesTasks/products Danish Fountain House Coalition (Lead partner) Mosaic Clubhouse Finnish Clubhouse Coalition Clubhouse Oslo Clubhouse Geysir To develop on site and mobile support methods for students whose studies have been interrupted or has not yet been started because of a psychiatric disability cooperation meetings with educ. institutions (pilot CHs in each country) support methods & tools (report on practices) expert consultations excursions to educational institutions Manual of supported education

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health24 WP4 Training of trainers PartnersObjectivesTasks/products Mosaic Clubhouse (Lead partner) Helsinki Clubhouse Malmö Clubhouse Caledonia Clubhouse To organise a Supported Education pilot course for trainers and peer trainers To create a curriculum of the Supported Education training course for the European clubhouses  planning of pilot course  pilot course + feedback  curriculum planning

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health25 WP5 Quality and evaluation PartnersObjectivesTasks/products Ersta Sköndal Högskola Swedish Fountain house Stakes The aim of this work package is to synchronize internal as well as external evaluation efforts connected to the main project, put the activities within the project into a research context and to identify theoretical key concepts (i e rehabilitation and peer support) that can be valuable in a evaluation process. defining quality criteria internal quality assessment detailed evaluation plan collecting monitoring information interim and final report

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health26 WP6 Dissemination and exploitation PartnersObjectivesTasks/products All Partners Lead partner Stakes Dissemination and exploitation of the project results Long term goal is establish special European Office to support ICCD and EPCD in the future development activities -website planning -brochures + translations -e-Newsletter -awareness- raising/stakeholders -Participating into European CH Conference, -International CH Seminar and Mental Health Europe /conf. -exploitation/project outcomes -exploitation in continuing project

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health27 Workpackages and staff days Manag.ActicationSup.meth.TrainersEvaluat.Dissem. Staff dayswp1wp2wp3wp4wp5wp6Total days StakesP Swe CoalP Den CoalP MosaicP Erstä SkP GermanyP Fin CoalP NorwayP IcelandP Hel TBP Malmö TBP ScotlandP Total/wp

Knowledge for welfare and health National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health 28 European ICCD Clubhouses - Beneficiaries of the ELECT project About 90 Clubhouses serving over members annually Albania 1 Austria 3 Denmark 6 England 19 Estonia 1 Finland 20 Germany 3 Iceland 1 Ireland 4 Italy 1 Kosovo 1 Macedonia 2 Netherlands 1 Norway 3 Poland 2 Romania 1 Russia 4 Scotland 7 Sweden 9 TOTAL 90

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health Vision for future: next steps after ELECT-project  A network 29 Source:

National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health Knowledge for welfare and health30 ELECT-project contact information Management/Coordination: Ville Grönberg Project Manager Stakes Innovative Employment initiatives –group Stakes P.O Box 220 (Lintulahdenkuja 4 – street address) FI Helsinki Finland Mobile Tel Fax Reports & payments Mirva Piispa Financial secretary Stakes Innovative Employment initiatives –group Stakes P.O Box 220 (Lintulahdenkuja 4 – street address) FI Helsinki, Finland Tel Fax (Mirva wishes that you send questions considering payments by !)