Notes from the story telling Transnational seminar of GENIS- LAB Madrid 28/9/2011
Some honest questions Do we really have a problem with men dominating some parts of science and women others? Can we live with the fact that men are better at some things and women are best at others? Who determines(d) the criteria to evaluate science? Are women in science more affected than most by lack of ambition to advance in their scientific career (beyond the issues related to family responsibilities that affect all working women to some extent or another)? Have the institutions the patience to wait for the results?
Priority concerns? Women in/ into science – Glass ceiling is a problem(Spain, Slovenia, Serbia, Italy, Germany) – Ambition (or lack thereoff) – Inclusive environment may be a solution (Sweden – Homofilia – Problem? Solution? Women and gender equality measures – Quota
Priority concerns? Unbiased criteria for evaluation and selection Productivity “measures” Work-personal life balance vs./ link Scientific excellence Investigating the financial aspects of scientific excellence (and its gender implications?) Patriarchal models of managing science? (Italy)
Priority concerns? Investing in gender equality as a contribution to a more competitive European economy