4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK The Global Multi-Hub Network in Concept Frank Bisby An EC Seventh Framework Scientific Data Infrastructures Project
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 1.Original Reasons for Using Global Species Databases a)Avoid overlap b)Gain a global monographic taxonomic view c)Avoid ‘mixed’ treatments
1234 Flora 1 Flora 2 Flora 3 GSDs (taxa) – no overlapFloras/Faunas overlap Properties of Global Species Databases (GSDs) They can be put together end-to-end because they do not overlap and they contain a consistent taxonomic treatment for the whole of one higher taxon. (Floras / Faunas do overlap, and must therefore be reworked before being put together.)
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 2. Need to connect Global and Regional a)Steve Blackmore b)EC EuroCat Project c)Chris Thompson
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 3. First Generation Regional Hubs in SPICE a)Experimental ‘Euro-Hub’ b)Introduces duplication (previously avoided) c)Introduces alternative taxonomies (previously avoided) d) Brings in new partners, otherwise excluded e) Requirement for ‘cross-mapping’ f) Requirement for ‘toggling’ between related taxa in alternative taxonomies
Global Hub GSD Architecture I
Euro-Hub Euro+Med ERMSFauna Europaea
Global Hub LITCHI-2 Link Euro-Hub Euro+Med ERMS Fauna Europaea GSD Architecture II
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 4. Some Prototype Hub Software already available in SPICE a)Requires SPICE-wrapper b)Requires additional ‘Regional Checklist’ c)Permits search of either, or both d)Cross-mapping and toggling not yet well-developed e) Toggling allowed for in final version of SPICE 5.2
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 1.Second generation discussion: regional hubs for completing the CoL a)Where are the missing species? b)Many in missing taxa, but many missing taxa in Megadiverse Countries c) A harvesting ground for missing species? d) A harvesting ground for regional sectors as materials for proto-GSD route A e) A CoL-centric ‘outward’ view!
Euro Hub Sp2000 Asia Oceania Sp2000 Asia Oceania Africa Hub ? Africa Hub ? ITIS N. America Hub ITIS N. America Hub Global Hub Catalogue of Life Architecture II
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America Hub ITIS N. America Hub Global Hub Catalogue of Life Architecture II
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist 1. Inspecting species from several hubs RegioRegio Regional Checklist Hubs
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist Catalogue of Life Architecture II RegioRegio Regional Checklist Hubs e.g. S.Africae.g.Brazil
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist 2. Semi-automated Virtual GSD Harvesting RegioRegio Regional Checklist Hubs Proto GSD-A
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist 3. Semi-automated Partial GSD Synthesis RegioRegio Regional Checklist Hubs Proto GSD-B NomenclatorPlus Synthesis
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist 4. Cross validation of Virtual & Partial GSDs RegioRegio Proto GSD-A Proto GSD-B Cross validate
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist 2. Semi-automated proto-GSD Harvesting Regional Checklist Hubs and other sources Proto-GSD
Europe China Brasil ITIS N. America ITIS N. America Global Checklist Global Checklist Catalogue of Life Architecture II RegioRegio Regional Checklist Hubs - Possibilities Started China : started (Sp2000 China Node) Europe : started (Sp2000 europa) N. America: started (ITIS N. America) Agreed Brasil (Catalogo da Vida Brasil) New Zealand (Sp2000 NZ/ NZOR) Australia (ABRS-ABIF) For discussion Asia-Oceania (Sp2000 AO) S. Africa(SANBI) Central America (INBio) Colombia (Humboldt Inst.) etc..
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 6. Third Generation Active Requests: by potential or ongoing Regional Hubs a)Active requests for partnership b)First Batch: China, New Zealand, Brazil N. America (ITIS), Australia, Europe c) Second Batch: Colombia, C. America (INBio), Mexico, Southern Africa (SANBI), East Africa (Kenya), ASEAN
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 7. Third Generation Discussion: the substance of 4D4Life WP 4 a)Symmetric Needs Analysis (month 12) b)Symmetric Concept design (month24) c)Possible ‘early’ pilot projects using improved SPICE Hubs d) Possible novel prototypes by the partners in WP 4 with the WP 7 new e-2 architecture team e) Possible further funding proposals (now!)
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 8. Symmetric Analysis of Needs:as viewed from global and from regional perspectives a)Relate regional taxa to those in the CoL ‘inward links’ b) Use links to CoL, and from CoL to link to data on same species from other continents c) Permit CoL to view data in regional hubs side-by-side d) Permit additions to the CoL: -Sectors into prepoto-GSDs -Addition of new/missed taxa by GSDs -Amplification of synonymies -Amplification of Common Names -Amplification of distribution data
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK 8. Symmetric Analysis of Needs:as viewed from global and from regional perspectives e) Regions interested in bio-safety, invasives, and foreign product materials: - need list of species NOT in their region - all countries need global lists f) Need for globally complete and comparable lists for climate modelling and conservation science g) Global arithmetic: of faunas, floras, continents e.g. (Trop. Africa – Tropical America)
4D4Life Opening Meeting, September, Reading, UK Thank You!