The EU in the new complex geography of economic systems: models tools and policy evaluation COST Action IS1104 Meeting Urbino Settembre COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september 2012
Outline of the talk General Background Scientific programme, workplan and working method Webpage and infos 2 COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september 2012
GENERAL BACKGROUND Part I COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september
General background In the last decades Europe has lived an intense process of integration in Treaty of Rome - EEC (6 countries) ; in EU 27 States / Euro Area 17 countries However, the process of integration, which has undoubtly brought to all Europe important benefits, did not lead to an even distribution of the economic activity both across and within European countries. 4 COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september 2012
5 General background
Complex nature of spatial distribution of economic activities: Economic, geographical, institutional, social, historical factors Multi-level interactions and networks Required different levels and tools of analysis 6 COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september 2012
Aim of the Action to provide a better understanding of the EU as a complex, multi-level, evolving geographical system, taking duly into account the dynamic processes occuring within such a system and to develop improved strategies for EU regional policies 8 COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september 2012
Scientific Programme Social and economic networks Multi-level interactions and location decisions Nonlinear dynamics Networks Heterogeneous interacting agents Statistics and econometrics Effects of multi-level policy action Financial and labour markets Multi-regional economic geography modeling Scientific coordination Economic Geography Modeling WG1 Institutions and markets WG2 WG3 Social and industrial interactions WG4 Math. and comput. methods and tools 9 COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september 2012
Scientific Workplan: First year COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september Assessment Spatial Economics Literature (WG1, WG2, WG3) Modeling Multi-regional models (WG1) Institutional, financial and social factors (WG2) Market interactions (WG3) Tools (WG4) Nonlinear dynamics Networks theory Statistics and Econometrics Evolutionary game Theory Coordination & Exchange Meetings Short Term Scientific Missions Webpage/Dropbox/ Skype
Working method 1: Organization COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september Working Group Research Topic Working Unit Workig Unit Working Unit Workig Unit Research Topic
Working method 2: Networking COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september
Project Management Chair: Pasquale Commendatore; vice Chair: Ingrid Kubin WG1 Leader: P. Commendatore; co-Leader: Saime Suna Kayam WG2 Leader: Alan Kirman; co-Leader Spiros Bougheas WG3 Leader: Michael Kopel; co-Leader Gian Italo Bischi WG4 Leader: Tönu Puu; co-Leader: Florian Wagener Grant Holder: Luis Miguel Varela Cabo STSMs Coordinator: Laura Gardini Financial Rapporteurs: Frank Westerhoff; Constantine Manasakis COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september
WEBPAGE PART III COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september
Webpage COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september Work in progress Webmaster: Fabio Ceccarani Homepage:
COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september Webpage
Skype contact and file sharing Official COST Skype contat: cost-usc Filesharing: dropbox COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september
COST Action IS1104 Meeting - Urbino september Pasquale Commendatore Univerisity of Naples ‘Federico II’, italy