Galfer in motion Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Ferraris” gets in motion
The problem Everybody must arrive at school at eight o'clock. Where they live, their routine, their duties, the distance from their home to their school don't care. - Specific problem about the first target (students from first and second classes): the loss of time in big cities due to difficulty in traveling. Everything gets worse when they have to go to school for the restrictions explained above. From our survey results that most of them must use public transports, but not finding it an efficient way. However, a big part is accompanied by her parents by car. -Specific problem about the second target (students from third, fourth and fifth classes): Although some of them can go to school with their car, crucial problems are related to the first target group. Finally, the survey highlighted two main issues: the amount of time in coming to school and inconvenience in the use of public transport.
The target Our target represents students, that group of people who have to be in a specific place in a specific hour. For this reason we have chosen our high school, the Galileo Ferraris: the large number of students has provided a broad spectrum of vision of the problem with considerable variety, which gives veracity and authority to our data. It was not easy picking them, but we believe that the difficulties we have met in the research of the problems about student mobility, constitutes the ideal basis for a successful project.
The poll We have developed a survey that allows us to open a cross-section about condition of mobility of our schoolmates, with an emphasis on the school-house trip in the morning. It was given a survey in 30 high school classes, receiving answers from 689 students. The key questions in the poll: which transport do you usually use to come to school in the morning? Car-Bus-Tram-Foot-Bike-Subway How long does it take on average to come to school? (From when you leave home to when you arrive at school) From 5 to 10 min From 10 to 15 min From 15 to 20 min From 25 to 30 min From 30 to 35 min Up to 35 min If you're using public transport in your journey, how long on average expect it for to arrive? Less than 5 minutes – from 5 to 10 minutes – from 10 to 15 minutes – from 15 to 20 minutes – from 20 to 25 minutes – from 25 to 30 minutes – from 30 to 35 minutes – more than 35 minutes If you use the car, how many places are not used averagely? If you use the car, would you be willing to accompany other Galfer’s students? Yes-No Do you find comfortable transports you use to come school? Yes-No What emerges from the data is very interesting. Many students do not feel comfortable means of transport they use to come to school and the vast majority of those who use the car would be ready to accompany others. Due to space problems we could not enter the graphs of the other answers, but mind that 107 students who use the car have from 2 to 3 vacancies and that only 7 of them do not feel comfortable this means come to school.
The solution Our solution to this problem, small to its gravity but large in size, is the following: the creation of a platform inside the school that connects, in small groups of students, who lives nearby. Step 1. Their data are included on the platform: name, surname, address, possibility of a car and the number of vacancies in its. Stage 2. The platform points out the groups of students who live in an area reasonably large (taking into account that they have to reach the others afoot) where at least one has the possibility to use a car and there are the same number of free seats of the participants to the same area. Stage3. The students who live within the aforesaid area get in touch. Stage 4. Every morning the come to school together, without have to wait any public transportation.
Why we can do this We can do this project in all areas of Turin. The students coming from the same area of the town will not have to take uncomfortable transports( see the survey) Another important aspect to underline is that since there are a lot of students driving from the same area on their own, with this project we can reduce also the number of cars used to get to school. In this way we will contribute to decrease the annual production of CO2 This project can be carried out in every school (high schools) because students all have kind of the same age. Moreover they are inclined to be supportive with one another, so in schools it is easier to develop.
1)Less than 5 minutes 2)from 5 to 10 minutes 3)from 10 to 15 minutes 4) from 15 to 20 minutes 5) from 20 to 25 minutes 6)from 25 to 30 minutes 7)from 30 to 35 minutes 8)more than 35 minutes From this graphic, which is based on Galileo Ferraris’s data, we can observe the various time section which the guys take to go to school. From this emerges the efficiency that our project could bring, because of the high number of students who take more than 20 minutes to get to school. More datas
Diffusion The diffusion of this project is deeply bounded with the easy diffusion of platforms on the net. Students attending an high school are surely very confident with technology, so using this type of solutions doesn’t bother them at all, but engages them. Moreover, the simplicity of the concept make easier its use and the possibility of direct interaction between prevents from lots of complications in the trip’s organization.