WP 1 “Project management & assessment of progress and results” The main goal in this period of WP1 was to set up the systems, procedures and tools that guarantee the administrative and financial management of the project. “Kick-off meeting “ was held in Rome with all partners (except P11: SciTe ) and the EC project officers, Dr. Soren Bowadt and Dr. Christian Probst. There, the implementation of the planned activities was discussed and strategies for the assessment of the progress and results were developed. WP Leader: Clara Silvestre ICTP/CNR
WP2 “Mapping and Setting up a European Open Laboratory for Characterisation of Polymer Nanomaterials” The industrial need by the industrial partners of the project on characterisation techniques by the academic partners in use in his/her institution were mapped, throughout a questionnaire prepared by Partner 2 and filled by all partners. From the answers to the questionnaire a complete map was organized that, as soon the commission approves the report, will be inserted in the project web page All the partners participated in the mapping. Leader : Prof. Rumiana Kotsilkova
WP 3 “Demonstration Course, Round Table and Short Demo Visits for young academic and SMEs researchers” Most of the preparation for the Demonstration Course and Round table took place during the last months of the first reporting period. The WP leaders, together with the other Partners involved in the WP, defined the course programme, prepared the Course flier. The WP leaders made arrangement for accommodation of the course participants and for the course venue. One Short Demo Visit scientific mission took place, involving partner 1 and partner 4, partially financed by Napolynet. Leader: Prof. Polycarpos Pissis – Dr. Apostolos Kyritsis
WP 4 Making available the latest characterization tools including molecular modelling tools The WP focused the activities on making available the latest developments of measurement strategies and methodologies for determination of the effect of nanofillers on structure formation and morphology in polymers The following methodologies with practical examples are now available and ready for utilization in the framework of EOL: Structure formation through homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation using calorimetric methodologies Particle size analysis by laser diffraction analysis Polymer crystals by advanced topographic methodologies AFM Advanced computational tools for the understanding of the structure-properties relations of nanostructured polymeric membranes with controlled permeability Transnational access to advanced equipments started with few short demonstration visits partially funded by Napolynet and with circulation of samples among partners to be analyzed by using unique instrument by the proper experts. Leaders : Prof. Christoph Schick – Andreas Wurm
WP6 “Harmonization Work for Standards in Characterization of Safe Polymeric Nanostructured Materials” A detailed survey for standards and standardization together with a report on the analysis of parameters and measuring techniques relevant for standardization. (The survey covers all kinds of standards except for semiconductor applications. It is structured from global to smaller organizations and from formal to non formal standardization groups). A report on the parameters and measuring techniques relevant for standardization. A NaPolyNet discussion meeting in Leuven (Belgium) on possible cooperation with respect to the activities of WP4: ‘Harmonization Work for Standards in Characterization of Polymeric Nanostructured Materials’. it was decided to work on a proposal for the calibration of differential scanning calorimeters, a necessary and promising item. WP Leader Dr. Norbert Siegel
Several activities were performed in this work package concerning the dissemination of the activities involving all the consortium members and aims to introduce Napolynet to the public. Creation of the project WEB site; Preparation of a project poster; Preparation and distribution of project fliers calendar Networking with other nanotechnology network and projects related to nanomaterials characterization; Presentation of Napolynet objectives and activities at several meetings and workshops; Publication of Napolynet in the scientific journal examples Solid State Phenomena vol 151 (2009) pp net; Information Bulletin of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Issue 8 (126), XIII, Sofia, BAS, ISSN WP7 “Dissemination of project activities and results” WP Leader: Dr. S. Cimmino ICTP/CNR