Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting 1 Activity 1: TerminologyActivity 2: MobilityActivity.


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting 1 Activity 1: TerminologyActivity 2: MobilityActivity 3: HWF Data

Activity 3: Health Workforce Planning 2 Activity focusWorking methodsTimeline with steps and milestones

Partners Partners participating in WP4 Activity 3 Belgium, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, The Netherlands 3

Activity focus – Objectives Better HWF planning by better collections of required data Provide updated information on mobility trends of the HWF based on the current data How to collect better/useful data in order to support HWF planning?  Based on WP4 Activity 1 - Terminology mapping and Activity 2 - Mobility Research and  Collaboration and outputs of WP5 4

Collaboration with WP5 team 5 Italian Ministry of Health National Agency For Regional Health Services (AGENAS)

WP5 6 Exchange of good practices in planning methodologies 1.European catalogue (“database”) of good practices and quantitative methodologies → Planning methodologies 2.Minimum dataset for health workforce planning (data, frequently used data and data groups available, crucial, accessible in all/most countries, key indicators) → Minimum dataset (Finalization planned for February 2014)

Utilizing WP5 outputs How to develop more sophisticated and effective workforce planning structures and models to forecast the needs and shortage of "regulated" health professions Characteristics and crucial parameters of existing planning methodologies in different countries will be analyzed and described How to build or improve for more effective planning methodologies 7

Activity working methods Activity 3 is mainly based on: Discussions, discussions, discussions Summarizing experiences and good practices of MSs 8

Important steps of Activity 3 9 A)Identification of gaps: On the basis of existing data collection structures identified, comparison with the minimum key indicators defined by WP5. Summary from each country based on a template. B) Identification of practical problems: Identification of the causes for some countries not collecting data with planning purpose (workshops with participating MSs), and/or not using existing data for planning purposes - and related practical problems. C) Discussion on the key indicators/minimum data set with national authorities, (e.g. workshops, conference calls) and asking for feedback/validation on the availability of data

10 Activity 3 starts April 2014 Discussion with WP5 and WP6 June 2014 Workshop on gap analysis September 2014 Country summary on gaps January 2015 Workshop on practical issues how to overcome gaps Milestone! May 2015 Workshop on National HWFP models, identified gaps and preparing policy recommendation July 2015 Final report on HWFP data Timeline of activities in HWFP September 2015 Deliverable Final recommendation document identifying how to apply best practice and collect utilizable HWF data to support HWF planning

11 Participation in HWF planning  N o of days planned for this activity: ca. 740 days  Discussions, conference calls and workshops ( ca. 401 days)  Preparing policy recommendation ( ca. 339 days) Commenting drafts, feedbacks ITESPTELPLISDEFISKBENLHU ITESPTELPLISDEFISKBENLHU

Output of WP4 Activities Harmonized terminology International (Joint Questionnaire and DG Markt) level data on the basis of minimum dataset Facilitating MSs intentions to provide accurate data on a regular basis to international organizations Recommendation of good quality HWF planning (key indicators and modelling) 12