Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting Work Package on Data WP4 Kick-off Meeting 1 Activity 1: TerminologyActivity 2: MobilityActivity 3: HWF Data
Activity 1: Terminology 2 Activity focusWorking methodsTimeline with steps and milestonesNext steps
Activity focus – Terminology mapping – 3 Joint Questionnaire data definitions Definition and contents of data collected by MSs
Activity focus – JQ categories ISCO Codes au/stat/isco/docs/health.pdf Licensed to practise Professionally active Practising Doctors: 2210, 2211, 2212 Nurses: 2221, 3221 Dentists: 2261 Pharmacists: 2262 Midwives: 2222,
HWF data in 3 categories Licensed to practiseProfessionally activePractising Include: - Physicians who provide services directly to patients - Physicians for whom their medical education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job - Physicians for whom their medical education is NOT a prerequisite for the execution of the job - Physicians licensed to practise but who due to various reasons are not economically active (e.g. unemployed or retired) - Physicians working abroad. Include: - Physicians who provide services directly to patients - Physicians working in administration and management positions requiring a medical education - Physicians conducting research into human disorders and illness and preventive and curative methods - Physicians participating in the development and implementation of health promotion and public health laws and regulations - Physicians preparing scientific papers and reports. Include: - Persons who have completed studies in medicine at university level (granted by adequate diploma) and who are licensed to practise - Interns and resident physicians (with adequate diploma and providing services under supervision of other medical doctors during their postgraduate internship or residency in a health care facility) - Salaried and self-employed physicians delivering services irrespectively of the place of service provision - Foreign physicians licensed to practise and actively practising in the country 5
The 3 categories in overlap Practising 6 Licensed to practise Professionally active
Terminology mapping working method A ctivity based on available literature, projects (Matrix study, ISCO codes, ECHI indicators) Questionnaire will be prepared for mapping the terminology gaps on national level at MSs, + UEMS and EFN contribution Workshop discussions on MSs practice on reporting to JQ, preparation of a questionnaire Gaps, difficulties of international data collection concerning used definitions – analysis of the results of the questionnaire to identify gaps Formulating policy recommendations to MSs on how to overcome gaps in terminology and improve the comparability of internationally available data NB: Cooperation with WP5 in order to use the same vocabulary when identifying minimum data set is needed 7
8 M1 Kick -off M3 – Workshop – Report on literature, on JQ exercise in participating countries and discussion on questionnaire M6 - Sending out question naire on terminol ogy gaps M9 Deadline for answering the questionna ire M11 - Workshop: Summary of MS level research results on gaps and formulating policy recommendations M13 - Draft report on gaps and policy recommendation M15 – Final report on terminology mapping Timeline of activities in terminology mapping
9 Participation in terminology mapping N o of days planned for this activity: circa 380 Filling out the questionnaire: all countries and organizations participating in WP4 = circa 42 days Smaller group of participants closer cooperation (Working on the literature, questionnaire, workshop preparation, exploring MS practices and reporting on them at workshops) = circa 258 days Writing report including policy recommendations = circa 80 days PLFIPTITNLUEMSEFNHU ITESPTPLISDEFISKBEELNLEFNEUMSHU PLFIPTITUEMSEFNHU
TaskPartnersDays (circa)Deadline Literature reviewHU30 days5 th June 2013 Exploration of MSs’ own data collection to JQ, identifying data providers and discussing relevant issues to be included in the questionnaire (gaps and obstacles on the national level) HU, PL, EL, FI, IT 3 days each31 st May 2013 Identification of possible problems with definitions and data provision in member organizations EFN, UEMS 3 days each31 st May 2013 Preparation for the workshopHU NL 7 days 2 days mid June 2013 Workshop Participation (with preparation) All WP4 partners (2 days each) mid June 2013 Next steps until workshop in M3 (circa 60 days)
Thank you for your attention ! 11