Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU Presentation of the programme.


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Presentation transcript:

Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU Presentation of the programme

Introduction Motto: Strong Europe Strong Europe: – strong institutions – strong Member States – strong common policies with a view to strong cohesion and a strong Eurozone – response to challenges should be more and not less Europe 2

Introduction Europe’s key tasks: establishing a European Stability Mechanism reinforcing economic coordination strengthening control over fiscal discipline 3

Introduction Europe 2020 Strategy: Economic growth, employment and job creation Innovation Solidarity and cohesion 4

Introduction Human factor: Strong Europe with a human touch to put Europe at the service of its citizens re-focussing policies on the human face of integration Lisbon Treaty: new legal framework  bring Europe closer to its citizens 5

Priorities Four priority areas: 1.Growth, jobs and social inclusion 2.Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future 3.A Union close to its citizens 4.Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally 6

Key tasks Most important tasks of the Hungarian Presidency: Economic governance European semester Energy policy Common policies (CAP, cohesion) Integration of Roma Enlargement Schengen Eastern Partnership 7

1. Growth, jobs and social inclusion Economic governance finding a compromise on the COM’s six legislative proposals by June 2011 improving fiscal discipline extending economic surveillance establishing the European Stability Mechanism by mid 2013; Treaty change 8

1. Growth, jobs and social inclusion Europe 2020 Strategy evaluation of national reform programme implementation launch of the European semester Focus should be on job creation Innovation 9

1. Growth, jobs and social inclusion Flagship initiatives: synergies and complementarities Digital Europe Agenda for new skills and jobs: focus on job creation Youth on the Move: promoting learning mobility Platform Against Poverty and Resource Efficient Europe initiatives 10

1. Growth, jobs and social inclusion European Platform Against Poverty: Roma integration and child poverty. Roma: EU Framework on National Roma Integration Strategies (focus on education and job creation) Demographic trends and family policy measures: general assessment, exchange of best practices 11

1. Growth, jobs and social inclusion Single Market : Complete the internal market by dismantling remaining barriers Implementation of the Single Market Act Focus on SMEs: enhancing mobility and competitiveness Unitary patent protection 12

2. Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future For a strong Europe we need strong and renewed common policies (CAP, cohesion) Cohesion Policy: Economic, social and territorial cohesion: one of the main pillars of the EU Internally unified Europe  more competitive globally, more efficient in terms of external action 13

2. Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): Preserving the values underpinning the CAP Facing up to new challenges Common energy policy: Energy security: create a common European energy market build necessary infrastructure devise adequate financing methods 14

2. Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future Energy security: agree on unified actions vis-à-vis external partners diversify sources / routes / suppliers „Greening” of the energy sector  increase employment

2. Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future Special European Council in February on energy and innovation:  Energy: political orientation to building key infrastructure financing necessary investments harmonising national technical regulations  Innovation: take steps towards a European Research Area

2. Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future Next Multiannual Financial Framework: Preparatory discussions on the future of the CAP and cohesion policy basis for discussions on the next multiannual budget

2. Stronger Europe – building on the foundations and protecting the future Environmental sustainability: Cancún decisions, further advancing negotiations Management of extreme water-related events Macro-regional co-operation: European Danube Strategy

3. A Union close to its citizens Implementation of the Stockholm Programme: Promoting fair trial rights, helping victims of crime Fight against organised crime and cybercrime Protection of personal data European E-justice portal: easier access to justice Charter of Fundamental Rights: Assessing the implementation, Council conclusions 19

3. A Union close to its citizens Schengen area: Promotion of the accession of RO and BG Wish to welcome RO and BG into the Schengen area as soon as they meet all the requirements Migration: Better management of migration flows Geographically balanced migration policy 20

3. A Union close to its citizens 2011 – European Year of Volunteering: Increase the recognition given to volunteering Cultural diversity:  Emphasizing the role of the EU in the preservation and promotion of European cultural heritage and diversity  Enhancing availability of and access to European funds for civil society

4. Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally Enlargement: Europe must remain open towards those countries which fulfil the criteria and are ready to implement reforms in the spirit of European values Aim: take one step forward with each candidate country Croatia: bring the negotiations to a successful conclusion 22

4. Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally Turkey: make progress according to their readiness (open one chapter) Iceland: first tangible results in negotiations Western Balkans: further promote the enlargement process. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: ready to start negotiations, as soon as the Council reaches a decision 23

4. Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally External relations: Lisbon Treaty  rotating Presidency does not play a central role in the field of CFSP PRES aims at providing all possible support to the High Representative and the EEAS European Neighbourhood Policy: Renewing the European Union’s neighbourhood policy is a special priority Continue commitment to a strong Euro-Mediterranean Partnership 24

4. Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally Eastern Partnership: Strengthen relations between EU and participating non-EU member countries Differentiated approach, based on the needs and capabilities of the countries involved European External Action Service: Fully functional as soon as possible 25

4. Enlarging responsibly and engaging globally Strategic partners: Individual strategies devised for our partners Common Security and Defence Policy: Start implementing the Lisbon Treaty’s innovations EU development policy: Continue debate on increasing the effectiveness of aid provided by the EU / Member States

Thank you for your attention! Q&A