Hands-on on Information System Antonio Juan Rubio Montero CIEMAT 10 th EELA Tutorial. Madrid, May 7 th -11 th,2007.
2 lcg-infosites
3 Exercise 1 Get CE information $ lcg-infosites - -vo gilda ce
4 **************************************************************** These are the related data for gilda: (in terms of queues and CPUs) **************************************************************** #CPU Free Total Jobs Running Waiting ComputingElement cn01.be.itu.edu.tr:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-long cn01.be.itu.edu.tr:2119/jobmanager-lcglsf-short grid010.ct.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-long grid011f.cnaf.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-long grid006.cecalc.ula.ve:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-log [..]
5 Exercise 2 Get SE information $ lcg-infosites - -vo gilda se
6 ************************************************************** These are the related data for gilda: (in terms of SE) ************************************************************** Avail Space(Kb) Used Space(Kb) Type SEs disk cn02.be.itu.edu.tr disk grid009.ct.infn.it disk grid003.cecalc.ula.ve disk gildase.oact.inaf.it disk testbed005.cnaf.infn.it disk gilda-se-01.pd.infn.it disk cna03.cna.unicamp.br disk grid-se.bio.dist.unige.it
7 Exercise 3 Get information about installed software $ lcg-infosites - -vo gilda tag
8 ************************************************************************* Information for gilda relative to their software tags included in each CE ************************************************************************* Name of the TAG: VO-gilda-GEANT Name of the TAG: VO-gilda-GKS05 Name of the CE:cn01.be.itu.edu.tr Name of the TAG: VO-gilda-slc3_ia32_gcc323 Name of the TAG: VO-gilda-CMKIN_5_1_1 Name of the TAG: VO-gilda-GEANT Name of the TAG: VO-gilda-GKS05 Name of the CE:grid010.ct.infn.it [..]
9 lcg-infosites options
10 lcg-info
11 lcg-info We can use this command to list which CE and SE satisfies a set of given conditions. We can also show values of a set of given attributes. Information is taken from BDII especified in LCG_GFAL_INFOSYS variable. Request sintax is: attr1 op1 valueN,... attrN opN valueN
12 lcg-info options
13 Exercise 5 Get supported attributed list $ lcg-info --list-attrs
14 $ lcg-info --list-attrs Attribute name Glue object class Glue attribute name MaxTime GlueCE GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime CEStatus GlueCE GlueCEStateStatus TotalJobs GlueCE GlueCEStateTotalJobs CEVOs GlueCE GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule TotalCPUs GlueCE GlueCEInfoTotalCPUs FreeCPUs GlueCE GlueCEStateFreeCPUs CE GlueCE GlueCEUniqueID WaitingJobs GlueCE GlueCEStateWaitingJobs RunningJobs GlueCE GlueCEStateRunningJobs CloseCE GlueCESEBindGroup GlueCESEBindGroupCEUniqueID CloseSE GlueCESEBindGroup GlueCESEBindGroupSEUniqueID SEVOs GlueSA GlueSAAccessControlBaseRule UsedSpace GlueSA GlueSAStateUsedSpace AvailableSpace GlueSA GlueSAStateAvailableSpace Type GlueSE GlueSEType SE GlueSE GlueSEUniqueID Protocol GlueSEAccessProtocol GlueSEAccessProtocolType ArchType GlueSL GlueSLArchitectureType Processor GlueSubCluster GlueHostProcessorModel OS GlueSubCluster GlueHostOperatingSystemName Cluster GlueSubCluster GlueSubClusterUniqueID Tag GlueSubCluster GlueHostApplicationSoftwareRunTimeEnvironment Memory GlueSubCluster GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize
15 Exercise 6 Show all CEs on BDII satisfiying some given conditions $ lcg-info --list-ce --query 'TotalCPUs>=30,OS=SL*' --attrs 'RunningJobs,FreeCPUs ‘
16 $ lcg-info --list-ce --query 'TotalCPUs>=30,OS=SL*' --attrs 'RunningJobs,FreeCPUs‘ - CE: grid010.ct.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-long - RunningJobs 0 - FreeCPUs 33 - CE: grid010.ct.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-short - RunningJobs 0 - FreeCPUs 33 - CE: grid010.ct.infn.it:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-infinite - RunningJobs 1 - FreeCPUs 33 - CE: skurut1.cesnet.cz:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-long - RunningJobs 0 - FreeCPUs 26 [..]
17 R-GMA
18 To start R-GMA command line type: >rgma On begin this message appears. R-GMA – Command line (1)
19 Command history is managed with “up” and “down” keys. For quick access to a command type it’s first characters and press “CTRL-R” Use TAB key to complete the command input. Command input
20 help Shows general help help Show specific help exit or quit Quit RGMA command line. Show tables Show all table names of the schema. (Schema) Describe Show table structure information. General commands
21 To obtain data use SQL SELECT clause: rgma> SELECT * FROM GlueService SELECT behaviour is according to the request type. There are three request types of SELECT: LATEST. Return most recents rows for each primary key. HISTORY. Return all historic rows for each primaty key. CONTINUOUS Return rows as soon are being inserter. Querying data (1)
22 To change request type use SET QUERY : rgma> SET QUERY LATEST or rgma> SET QUERY CONTINUOUS To show current request type: rgma> SHOW QUERY Querying data (2)
23 1.Show all schema tables: rgma>show tables 2.Show information about GlueSite table: rgma>describe GlueSite 3. Make a query about GlueSite table: rgma>set query latest rgma>show query rgma>select Name,Latitude,Longitude from GlueSite Exercises
24 Rows max age can be configured. To limit latest or history rows age use SET MAXAGE rgma> SET MAXAGE 2 minutes rgma> SET MAXAGE 120 To show row max age: rgma> SHOW MAXAGE To unable max age: rgma> SET MAXAGE none Row max age
25 Another property of requests is “timeout” We can use timeout to prevent network failure or other situations In continuous type, timeout means how long the request will continue returning new rows. Default timeout it’s 1 minute. rgma>SET TIMEOUT 3 minutes or rgma>SET TIMEOUT 180 To show current timeout rgma>SHOW TIMEOUT Timeout property
26 We can use SQL INSERT to add new data: rgma>INSERT INTO userTable VALUES (’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’) Producer component inserts data on R-GMA. This component manages INSERT clause. Data production and insertion (1)
27 To show the current producer type: rgma>show producer To set the producer type: rgma>set producer latest Data production and insertion (2)
28 1.Insert and select one row using a contiuous producer to support Continuous and historic querys. rgma>set producer continuous rgma>insert into userTable values('cod','string',1.4,66) rgma>set query continuous rgma>set maxage 1 minutes rgma>set timeout 5 seconds rgma>select * from userTable Exercise
29 To set the secondary producer for consume from userTable table: rgma>SECONDARYPRODUCER userTable Secondary producer can be set for latest or history request. rgma>SET SECONDARYPRODUCER latest To show current secondary producer type: rgma>SHOW SECONDARYPRODUCER Secondary producer
30 Insert and select data using a secondary producer supporting latest querys. rgma>set secondaryproducer latest rgma>secondaryproducer userTable rgma>show producers of userTable rgma>set producer continuous rgma>insert into userTable values ('cod','string',5.2,44) rgma>set query latest rgma>select * from userTable Exercise
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