C-P LUS P ROJECT W ORLD - CLASS C LUSTERS IN C ENTRAL E UROPE Jan Sienkiewicz 4 th Steering Committee and – Scientific Board meeting th October 2011 S á rv á r, Hungary
Communication activities
Website – what’s new New tab
Website – what’s new
PPs reguest: -Cluster data validation -Web inf. check (i.e. news&press) - Information about new clusters
Website – what’s new The scroll bar with information about public events
Website – what’s new
New (the Calendar)
Website – users permissions Registered users: 1. Use mailing 2. Add attachement 3. Download documents Administrator: 1. Add users 2. Add article
Website – modification proposals Now
Website – modification proposals After
Promotion Proposals - Bulletin 1.Please send photo/cluster logo in good quality 2.Ch o ose bulletine version 3.Make layout suggestion 4.Check if all infomation about yours clusters in b ulletine are ok. (i.e. branch of activities, strengths and opportunities for cooperation - before printing)
Promotion Proposals - Bulletin Bulletin format A4 210×297 -Project summary (1 page) - PPs description / photo / logo (1/2 page for each Partner) - Clusters description/logo (1 page for each one) + cover Bulletin 210x250 Project summary (1 page) PPs description / photo / logo (1/2 page for each Partner) - Clusters description/logo (1 page for each one) + cover Bulletin format B5 176×250 Project summary (1 page) PPs description / photo / logo (1/2 page for each Partner) -Clusters description/logo -(1 page for each one) + cover
Promotion Proposals - Accesories Chose accesories version Make your own suggestion 1. Lanyard 2. Pen/Pencil 3. Briefcase 4. Key ring 5. Memory stick 6. Calendar 2012
Thank you for the attention! Jan Sienkiewicz Regional Development Agency Bielsko-Biała Website update / bulletin & promotion accessiories issue Tomasz Świszcz