This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership Activities implemented for SEVESO II-III Workshops Task B2.1.5 SEVESO II Directive Capacity Building
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership SEVESO II Directive Capacity Building 1.Prevention of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances 2.Limitation of the consequences of such accidents not only for man (safety and health aspects) but also for the environment (environmental aspect) Study tour and workshop on SEVESO II Directive, Poland in February 2012 Regional workshop Moldova April Sub-regional workshops in Kiev September and Minsk December 13 Final Exchange of Experts in Brasov, Romania 28 April - 1 May 2014
PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership This Programme is funded by the European Union Exchange of Experts in Brasov, Romania 28 April - 1 May 2014 with 2 big field visits 23 experts approved Trainers have given homework and this work has been done by the approved participants in order to make the exchange the most effective The issues presented during the 4 days of training, covered how the Seveso Directives requirements are implemented in Romania, focusing on practical examples National Authorities hosting and regional authorities have assisting with visits and explanations of the sites – Their engagement was splendid!
2 site visits in Brasov county First one at an American chemicals manufacturer of ions exchange resins, the safety report was checked and the Internal Emergency Plan(IEP) tested; PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership This Programme is funded by the European Union
PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership This Programme is funded by the European Union In front of American company SEVESO Experts
Our experts in full swing in debate with director and technical staff of company after the exercise
Second visit to a German manufacturer of parts and accessories for the automobile industry, the External Emergency Plan (EEP) was tested and a common inspection of the local competent authorities inspection team (Emergency Inspectorate, Environmental Agency, Commissariat of National Guard) was simulated. PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership This Programme is funded by the European Union
Companies’ firebrigade tackling fire, however due to explosion also External Emergency Plan (EEP) had to be tested This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership
Treatment of wounded persons from train and from passing cars by paramedic service
Evacuation people from passing train hit by explosion from the fire at the plant PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership This Programme is funded by the European Union
More than 150 people of local competent authorities inspection team participated in the test of the External Emergency Plan
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership SEVESO Lessons learned on capacity building: 4 series of activities that enable to assess the most motivated/team players – capable Trainers of Trainers for the future and technical capable If the countries want to be succesful in real capacity building: During start of Phase 2: inception-phase Countries should establish and propose via a National Committee their own: Strenghtening Capacity Building Plan
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership Each Country needs a National Strengthening-Capacity Building Plan SC Discussion January 2013
After completion of PPRD Phase 1: Propose that Emergency Ministries together with all other (Non)-Governmental and stakeholders evaluate PPRD -1 and make Plan for Phase 2: Capacity-building of all events and participants Select present and future champions (committed/engaged) Select Trainers of Trainers Top technical staff for all implemented subjects Make joint proposal of those capacities: Where is personnel standing now (2014) and where should their development/training in PPRD Phase II lead to in 2019 PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership This Programme is funded by the European Union
This Programme is funded by the European Union PPRD East Programme – a Flagship Initiative of Eastern Partnership Status June 2014 Select WHO Nat/Regional Champions WHO joins what training Phase II WHO should have what task in Phase II Evaluate WHO experts and ToTs for what in future National Strengthening-Capacity Building Plan