Sectoral Social Dialogue Paper Preparatory Meeting of the Worker’s Delegation 12 October 2012 Jorma Rusanen.


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Presentation transcript:

Sectoral Social Dialogue Paper Preparatory Meeting of the Worker’s Delegation 12 October 2012 Jorma Rusanen

Plenary meeting agenda 1. Draft agenda 2. Draft minutes (Plenary 12/06/2012) 3. Debriefing of the Health& Safety joint project (final conference, evaluation, feedback and next steps 4. Preliminary discussion on the attractiveness of the industry for young people (presentation by Riccardo Viaggi – European Builders Confederation) 5. Development of a mapping approach on skills and training systems in the sector (presentation by Norbert Schöbel, Commission and by a HR representative of a paper company – tbc.) 6. Presentation and adoption of the Work Programme + meeting planning Election of the chair 8. AOB

3. Best H&S Practice Guide Project -A report of good health and safety practices in the European pulp and paper industry “No paper without skilled, healthy and safe people” (60 pages, 22 practices) -Covering health and safety issues in -Daily operations -Maintenance (special emphasis) -Transport and handling -Health -Available in 3 languages (EN, DE, FR) -Wide dissemination (brochure, conferences, press)

A guide of good H&S practices in the European pulp and paper industry

Best H&S Practice Guide Project September 2012 in Bad Muender: Conference and the launch of the Good Practice Guide – Partners satisfied – Constructive conference, over 50 participants Follow-up – Distribution to all CEPI member companies – Additional dissemination: Press release Presentations in relevant meetings/conferences, etc Presentation to EU-OSHA agency and new campaign On CEPI and industriAll websites National activities, etc. – Survey on the use of the report (in six months?) – We ask for more good practices to be sent in

4. Preliminary discussion on the attractiveness of the industry for young people The interest and demand for a formation in the paper sector is continuously declining We have to analyze how the industry could tackle this issue The construction sector has done a project on "attractiveness“ => Presentation by Riccardo Viaggi – European Builders Confederation

5. Development of a mapping approach on skills and training systems in the sector industriAll brought this subject to the agenda – The CEPI Roadmap 2050 is a good starting point for the discussion – We have proposed to invite a HR representative of a paper company to present what could be the companies’ strategy towards a changing work environment and the adaptation of tasks and skills – Application for a project funding from Commission in 2013: mapping excercise? – The other SSD’s experiences; how they address this issue Currently 15 SSD committees working on this issue

6. Work Programme Health and Safety: EU-OSHA’s Healthy Workplace Campaign ; collect feedback from use of the report on Health and Safety Practices and compilation of additional Good Practices Output: – Communication and promotion of the report (autumn 2012/spring 2013) – Survey on the use of the report (spring 2013); new practices

6. Work Programme (2) Demographic change, skills and jobs: Mapping exercise on education, training and qualifications systems in the sector, based on similar exercises in other sectors Start process to define project on how to attract young people to choose a career in the paper industry Output: – Project application (spring/autumn 2013) in order to work on a study on the training and qualification systems (2013/2014) – …

6. Work Programme (3) European energy and raw material policies Consider issues of common interest Joint positions on crucial issues Discussion of certification schemes (e.g. PEFC) Output: – Impact assessment and formulation of joint positions

6. Meeting planning 2013 SSD Paper: 2 plenaries and 2 steering group meetings – Preliminary agreed 2013 meetings: Plenaries 24 April and 22 October; steering group 7 Mars and 11 September Decrease of resources of the Commission => changes! – The number of SSDC meetings will be reduced – In 2013 all SSDCs receive the same number of meeting opportunities: 1 plenary (27+27 participants, 6 languages) and 3 “other” meetings – Working group meetings (15+15 participants, 3 languages) and/or steering group meetings (5+5, no translation)

6. Meeting planning 2013 What do we do? Should we set up working groups? How many? SSD Chemical: 1) H&S and Responsible care; 2) Education, Training and Lifelong Learning – Meetings at the same day: AM/PM SSD Electricity: SSD Electricity Working group 7. Election of the Chair 2012 Teresa Presas CEPI, vice-chair Christer Larsson 2013 chair from industriAll, vice-chair from CEPI