1. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 1 Mondorf (Luxembourg), June Summary of day I e-Infrastructures Roadmap
2. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 2 To do: ● Make the "live nature" of the document appear in the beginning to make sure that the policy makers understand that the roadmap will be revised and updated regularly ● Include the users and user communities and their needs ● Generally extend upon the introduction to better sketch the general idea
3. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 3 New Structure of proposal ● Networking - Global end to end hybrid networking ● Middleware and organisation – Training & Support, Economic incentives, Authentication and authorisation, open standards, middleware repositories – Modified: software lifecycle.
4. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 4 ● Structure (cont) ● Resources – Centrally owned or large-grained, shared use ● Supercomputer infrastructures for Europe, European Storage facilities ● Making sense of sensors – Internally fine-grained, but large-grained in Grid context? – Locally owned, pooled & shared ● Data for the grid, Grid-enabled instruments, Collaboration tools and environments ● NEW: Authentication and authorization infrastructure (VO management systems, CAs, CRLs) ● NEW: Deployed reprogrammable logic infrastructure?
5. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 5 Structure (continued) ● Other – Working together with industry – Processor architectures, especially reprogrammable logic, use of multi-core processors ● Scope amended during the meeting
6. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 6 To do (continued) ● Abstract from too prescriptive statements (such as "48 hour buffer"). ● Turn Reprogrammable logic into "new directions for computer architectures" and add other examples e.g. utilizing multi-kernel processors (Anders, all) ● Disambiguate "Economic incentives for providing resources" ● Software maintenance should be Software lifecycle management ● Middleware Repositories: rephrase end destination (OMII input) ● Working with industry: add EGA ● Global end to end hybrid networking: add Terena and NRENPC
7. e-IRG meeting - June13, 2005, Mondorf (LU) 7 What next ● Do a rewrite based on above; two weeks response time to accomodate input from the scientific community you need two weeks. ● Include experts from outside in order to do a sanity check" on especially "Next turns". Suggestion: invite all the organisations currently identified as stakeholders and actors to comment. Seems most natural. ● It would be welcome to have budget estimates for the components of the roadmap.