QR Codes in the Classroom Amelia Thornton and Carol Allbritton
Table of Contents I. Welcome II. Who we are III. Where info came from. i.e. creative commons IV. What is a QR Code and what do I do to read and create them/video V. Phone and desktop downloads for readers VI. How to use readers VII. How to use generators VIII. Treasure Hunt generator IX. Other classroom uses i.e. book trailers, homework help links, etc. X. qr voice XI. Tag my doc XII. SPED Implications XIII. Scavengers
What is a QR Code? QR stands for Quick Response Code
Anatomy of a QR Code
2:18 video explaining 2:59 black and white and scanned all over
Android iPhone or more info from another site
Scanning QR codes on your PC
limited in scope but easy to start with
hosts a wide variety of ways to make a qr code for free and they also offer a paid subscription for bigger projects
treasure hunt generator
text to speech... Link to QR picture and... QR code it!
scan a document in and get a QR Code attached to it. No more ing copies to everyone, just have them scan the code.
AETC Password protected IEP
SPED/REGED have students use ipad to create a virtual museum. They can save pictures or examples of a standard and tag their voice explaining it. Glogster could create a poster with all the info and you could create a qr code to take you to museum using tag my doc
Put in windows to link to school websites, blogs, student made movies, sports and academic (awards, how-to...) videos PCHS website PCHS online news blog misstslibrary PCHS student made movie “Ghosts of High School Past
There are many, many places to learn about QR coding and scanning. These are just a few of the ones we have been using. Thank you.