History / SDP Snapshot SY ,933 K-12 Students / 9,552 teachers / 242 public schools / 471 Principals & Assistant Principals SY ,151 K-12 Students / 8,800 teachers / 218 public schools / 213 Principals & 45 Assistant Principals (263) 2
Project Overview Unify the District RtII Leadership Team Provide PD for 240 schools Implement RtII for 240 schools Address the Issue with Interventions Establish a Common Universal Screener 3
Implementation Collaborative Leadership SY (pg. 1) Special services, student discipline, attendance, curriculum, technology, research & evaluation, counseling and behavioral health SY (pg. 2) Expanded to include parent & family services, multilingual curriculum & programs, Early Childhood Education, High School 4
Implementation Professional Development Phase 1: What is RtII? Regional / Central Principals Leadership Conference Phase 2: Strategies & Interventions RtII Champions Workshop Day (pgs. 3-6) Phase 3: How Do I Continue Implementing RtII Successfully? 5
Implementation Tools for Implementation SY RtII Manual Administrators Guide for RtII Implementation RtII Implementation Plan & School Leadership Team (pgs. 7-10) RtII Resource Portal RtII Resources for Implementation SY RtII Toolkit (packet) Critical Timeline for Effectiveness (pgs. 11, 12) 6
7 Pyramid RtI Assessment & Grading for Student Achievement Supporting Struggling Students Motivating and Engaging Students RtII Champions Turn Around Training Model Universal Screeners - Use What We Have RFP to prepare for next school year (pgs ) RFP Committee & Rubric CONCERNS…
8 Usual / Empowerment Schools 108 Guiding Document (pgs. 19, 20) Michael Rettig Guidelines (pgs. 21, 22) Highly Recommended RFQ CONCERNS…
Surveys Midyear Survey Interventions Champions Workshop Day FAQs (pgs. 23, 24) PD Site Visits KDS Pearson RtII Facilitators Data 9
Enhancements Behavior Health Support Collection of Tier 1-3 support Increased /Scaffold PD Online Interventions Module User-Friendly. Policy Improvements Strategies Manual 10
THANK YOU! Janicka Newbill Maurice West