Identifying Variables Scientific Method Identifying Variables Let’s say you are testing different colored lights on the rate of bean seed germination. To rephrase this, your problem is to germinate some bean seeds under different colors of light.
You are testing how color affects the rate of bean seed germination You are testing how color affects the rate of bean seed germination. In other words, you will germinate bean seeds under different colors of light to see which one works the best.
So, if you are testing different colored lights on the germination of seeds, what is the one thing that you will change on purpose? That will be the independent variable.
If you said that you will change the color of light, then you are correct. The color of light used is the independent variable.
If you are testing different colored lights on the germination of bean seeds, what are you measuring? This will be the dependent variable.
If you said that you will measure how long it takes the seeds to germinate, then good for you! That’s correct!
If you are testing different colors of light on the rate of bean seed germination, what would be some things that should stay the same? These are called constants.
The following are all constants in the experiment and should not be changed. If you stated any of these, you are right! type of seed environment type of soil amount of soil method of planting seeds type of container depth of seed amount of water type of water amount of light
Finally, if you are testing different colors of lights on the germination of seeds, what is the control? The control involves doing the experiment without the independent variable.
If you said that the control would be white light, then you are really thinking! Taking away different colors just leaves plain white light.
You did it! Try one more on your own. Pretend you want to know how caffeine affects the heart rate of middle school students. What would be the independent and dependent variables, constants and control?