One Vision One Mission One Common Goal HELPING ALL CHILDREN BE SUCCESSFUL.
OUR MISSION: A school committed to excellence and to helping all children reach their fullest potential.
OUR VISION: To create a positive, safe, and nurturing learning environment where each child achieves to his or her fullest potential, develops strong character traits, applies critical thinking skills to real life situations, and aspires to be a confident contributing member of society.
WE BELIEVE: A quality education is provided through high academic standards that challenge students to reach their fullest potential. Education is a shared responsibility of the child, family, school, and community. All children are capable of learning. That communication, critical thinking, computer literacy, and collaboration are fundamental to learning. Students must show respect for themselves and others. Knowledge and skills are necessary to develop productive and responsible individuals. Ambition must be instilled for students to become life-long learners. Creativity, innovation, and life skills must be instilled in all children to establish a strong educational foundation.
LIFE EXPECTANCY FROM BIRTH: India: 64 China: 72 United States: 78 LITERACY RATES: India: 59% China: 90% United States: 99%
“In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else.” Lee Iocacca President of Ford Motor Company (designed the Mustang)-later fired Notable CEO of Chrysler Corporation