Contractor Desktop Electronic Bid System Training
For Contractor Desktop help: WYDOT ‘Help Desk’: (307) or (307)
Loading Contractor’s Desktop Program
Program can be installed on a Laptop or PC using a Diskette or CD provided by WYDOT. Program can also be downloaded and installed from WYDOT’s website following step- by-step download instructions. To install the program from a Diskette, CD or Website, Double-Click the ‘WYDOT Contractor Desktop Version 1.0’ and follow these step-by- step instructions.
Double-Click desktop icon to open program.
First time the program is opened, the bidder must complete a ‘Company Profile’. Only has to be entered once. Can be updated if there are changes..
Also on this window, bidders can complete their current, ‘Status of Work Under Contract’. Select, ‘Add Status Record” and fill in the applicable information. Highlight a status record and select, ‘Delete Status Record’ when the project has been completed. Select, ‘Print Report’ to print the status report. Status records are saved and can be updated for the next bid letting.
After completing the ‘Company Profile’, bidders can load projects and prepare bids.
Loading Projects
Click ‘File’ ‘Load Project” Use ‘From File’ To load project(s) provided by WYDOT on diskette or CD. Selecting ‘From Web’ Opens your browser and provides a list of currently advertised projects.
Click ‘Load this Project’. For the project(s) you want to bid.
Project loads and you can start preparing your bid. ‘Bid Status’ appears on all windows to let you know the current status of your bid. ‘Bid Total’ and ‘Certifications’ will highlight red if they are not complete. ‘DBE Commitment’, ‘Bid Due Date’ ’ and ‘Prequal’ are FYI and do not turn red..
Requesting Subcontractor Quotes
Click ‘Quote Request’. Select items for quotes. Select ‘Print Quote Request’
Entering Bid Prices
Use ‘Bid Item Detail’ to enter bid item ‘unit prices’. Click on another ‘Category’ to see the items for that category.
Enter ‘Unit Prices’ Click ‘Show Me Incomplete Items Only’ to see items that do not have unit prices.
When all unit prices have been entered, the ‘Bid Total’ and ‘Categories’ turn to ‘Black’.
Documenting DBE/Good Faith Efforts
Select ‘DBE Commitment / Good Faith Efforts’. Select 1. Contact Information’ and ‘Add Contact Record’. Select From dropdowns, ‘DBE’, ‘Contact Method’, and ‘Contact Results’. Enter ‘Contact Date’
If the ‘Contact Result’ is ‘Quote Rec’d’, Select from dropdown, the quote ‘Type’, (Manufacture, Supplier or Subcontractor). Enter the total ‘Bid Amount’ quoted by the DBE. If you intend to use the quote, check the ‘Selected’ box. Enter a brief comment describing what is being Supplied, Manufactured or Subcontracted by clicking the RED icon. Comment box changes from RED to BLACK indicating a comment has been made.
After completing ‘1. Contact Information’, select ‘2. Commitment Report’. ‘2. Commitment Report’ documents the bidders DBE Commitment and Good Faith Efforts.
Example ‘Commitment Report’ submitted with your bid.
ONLY the ‘Awarded Contractor’ is required to complete form ‘DBE-2, DBE Notification of Intent to Sublet’ The form must be submitted to WYDOT before the Contract is executed. Select ‘3. Committed Items (Awarded Contractor Only). Select the committed DBE indicated in your bid.
Select each item ‘Quoted’ and committed to the DBE. Select ‘Supply Type’ from dropdown, (Manufacture, Supplier or Subcontractor). Enter ‘Price’ committed for each item. Total dollar amount must equal amount committed to DBE when bid was submitted.
To View and Print the ‘DBE-2’ form … Select ‘4. DBE-2 Form (Awarded Contractor Only) Selecting ‘Print’ will print a separate DBE-2 Form for each committed DBE and Contractor to sign. Example ‘DBE-2 Form’
Documenting Certifications
Click applicable responses.
Click applicable response. Clicking ‘Yes’ opens this section to enter additional documentation. Explain John Smith’s suspension or debarment. Comment box changes indicating an explanation has been entered.
Click applicable responses.
Acknowledging Addendums
Select ‘Addendums’ to acknowledge ALL Addendums issued for the project. Select ‘Add’ Enter Your ‘Initials’. Documentation is complete. Future Enhancement Ability to view the actual addendum document. NOTE: You do not have to change the ‘Addendum Date’ to the actual date of the addendum.
Submit Bid
‘Submit Bid’ is disabled if the bid is not complete. Use ‘View’ to view and print a specific document before creating the bid submittal package.
If you updated your ‘Company Profile’, check the box. Enter your electronic ‘Bid Bond Authorization Code’ or ‘Cashiers Check #’. Proposal Guaranty must be equal to amount indicated.
When the ‘Bid Status’ indicates all the ‘Bid Prices’ have been entered and the ‘Certifications’ have been acknowledged.. ‘Submit Bid’ is enabled.
Before clicking ‘Submit Bid’ Specify where you want to save the bid file. Bid has to be submitted to WYDOT on a Diskette or CD. Clicking ‘Submit Bid’ Saves your bid to the specified diskette or CD And Prints the complete bid package for your signature.
Create Move File
Multiple people can work on different parts of the bid (DBE /Good Faith, Bid Items, Certifications, etc.) and use the ‘Move’ function to move their part(s) to a target computer used to submit the bid. Select, ‘File’, and ‘Export, Create Move File’. Check the ‘Move Option(s)’ you want to ‘Move’. Specify where you want to save the move file and click ‘OK’.
To Import the ‘Move’ file using the target computer… Select ‘File’ ‘Import’ ‘Import From Move File’ Select the directory and folder where the move file was saved. Highlight the file and click ‘Open’ The ‘Move’ updates the specified bid windows.
Export / Import Bid Items
Select ‘File’, ‘Export’ ‘Export Bid items’ Specify where you want to save the ‘Export’ file and click ‘OK’. Project Bid Items can be ‘Exported’ to a spreadsheet or bidding software used to calculate ‘Unit Prices’ and then ‘Imported’ back into the Contractor Desktop application.
‘Export File’ can be opened in a spreadsheet or a software application used to prepare bids. Formulas used to calculate the ‘unit prices’ can be placed outside the last column. After calculating the unit prices, the file can be saved and ‘Imported into the WYDOT Contractor Desktop`. Important Columns A – J should not be moved.
To import bid items, select ‘File’ ‘Import’ ‘Import Bid Items’ Select the saved spreadsheet file and click ‘Open’. Updates: ‘Unit Prices’, ‘Extended Prices’, ‘Subtotals’, and ‘Total Bid’.
Loading DBE Directory
To check for DBE updates automatically, Select ‘Tools’ ‘Settings’ Check box ‘Obtain DBE Updates Automatically’. Important Do Not Change unless instructed by WYDOT.
DBE’s can also be loaded from a Diskette or CD provided by WYDOT. List of current DBE’s will be updated automatically. Select ‘Tools’ ‘Load DBE Directory’ DBE File.txt Select ‘ DBE File.txt’ ‘Open’
Select ‘Help’ To view online help topics.
C:\ebs\flashhelp.htm Welcome Welcome to the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) Electronic Bid System – Construction Project Bidding Program. Copyright 2006 Wyoming Department of Transportation. Licensing for use of this application must be granted by the State of Wyoming. June, 2006 Bid Preparation Loading Projects 1. Select ‘File’, and ‘Load Projects’. 2. Options: a. If you select ‘From File’, use the diskette or CD provided by WYDOT to load the project or projects you want to bid. b. If you select ‘From Web’ your browser will provide a list of currently advertised WYDOT projects. Click, ‘Load Project’ to load the project you want to bid. Note: You can only load one project at a time.
Thank you.