Gifted and Talented Identification Presentation McFarland Gifted and Talented Staff Kitty Ver Kuilen – District Coordinator Cindy Clark – Resource Teacher 9-12 Mary Donagan – Resource Teacher 6-8 Lisa Nyenhuis – Resource Teacher 3-5 Carol Greig–Resource Teacher K-2
Identification of Gifted and Talented Students Who are Gifted and Talented Students? Why we identify? How we identify? Programming Options
Who are Gifted and Talented Students? “The term gifted and talented student means children and youths who give evidence of higher performance capability in such areas as intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership, or in specific academic fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the schools in order to develop such capabilities fully.” Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
The Bell Curve Talent Pool EX EX*
The Identification Pyramid Talent Pool: Level I Regular Classroom Differentiation: Flexible grouping, Differentiated Curriculum Enrichment opportunities EX: Level 2 Programming Beyond Regular Classroom: Curricular extensions, Pull-outs EX* Level 3 Individualized Services 1-2% of student population 2-5% of student population 5–15% of student population
Bright Child vs Gifted Learner Knows the answer Top group Absorbs information Learns with ease Is pleased with own learning Enjoys school Completes assignments Asks the questions – sometimes deep, probing, abstract questions Beyond top group Manipulates information Already knows Is highly self-critical – can be perfectionistic to the point of tantrums when young Enjoys learning – but may hate school Initiates projects
Five Areas of Giftedness Academic Artistic Leadership Creative Intellectual People can be gifted in one or more areas. Different types of giftedness create different needs.
McFarland’s ID Model based on Wisconsin DPI ‘s Comprehensive Integrated Gifted Programming Model Talent Pool: Level I Regular Classroom Differentiation: Flexible grouping, Differentiated Curriculum Enrichment opportunities EX: Level 2 Programming Beyond Regular Classroom: Curricular extensions, Pull-outs EX* Level 3 Individualized Services 1-2% 2-5% 5-15% Total Student Population: G/T
How do we identify? MULTIPLE DATA SOURCES Data collection over time Information from annual teacher surveys Standardized test scores (consistent rank of 95% or higher) Ranking in MATS results
Talent Pool Level 1 Students who exhibit strengths/ abilities in the areas of: Intellect, Creativity, the Arts, Leadership, or Specific academic areas.
Talent Pool Criteria Level 1 Top 5 – 15 % of the population Evidence found in 3 of the following: Nomination and participation in enrichment opportunities. Information from staff & others Successful participation in qualifying programs outside of school Strong standardized test scores (95%ile or better)
Guidelines for Educational Opportunities Talent Pool—Level 1 Differentiation within the Regular Classroom Flexible grouping Enrichment Cooperative learning Field trips, Independent Projects/Products Integrated Instruction School-Wide Programs Team Teaching Simulations Technological Applications Instructional Strategies which Differentiate: Compacting Contracting Pre-testing Modification of content, process, products Learning Centers Critical thinking skills Use of Multiple Intelligences to provide choices
“EX” or “Exceptional” Level 2 Top 2 - 5% Students with exceptional learning needs because of strengths and abilities in one or more of the 5 areas
“EX” Criteria: Level 2 Evidence found in 3 of the following: Consistent nomination and participation in GT extension opportunities. Information from staff and others Standardized test scores 96%ile or better Consistently ranked 65%ile or above on MATS Successful participation in qualifying programs outside of school
Guidelines for Educational Opportunities EX Level 2 Academic Competitions Advanced Courses AP Classes Content Area Acceleration Cluster & Flexible Grouping Seminars Mini courses Resource Rooms Group Guidance for Social/Emotional Support Co-curricular/extra- curricular/electives Clubs/Organizations Leadership/Athletic, and/or Fine Arts Workshops
*EX* Level 3 Definition Top 1-2% Students with extraordinary learning needs because of extreme strength and ability in the areas of intellect, creativity, the arts, leadership and/or a specific academic area.
*EX* Criteria for Level 3 Evidence of 4 of more of the following: Consistent nomination and participation in GT extension opportunities Information from staff & others Successful participation in qualifying programs outside of school Standardized test scores consistently at 98%ile or better Consistently ranked 85%ile or higher on MATS
Guidelines for Educational Opportunities *EX* Level 3 APEX—Distance Learning Youth Options Dual Enrollment Course Waivers Early Graduation/Entrance Grade Level/Subject Area Acceleration Radical Acceleration Individual Counseling Internships Mentorships Independent Study Apprenticeship ILP Specialty Schools
Thoughts to leave you with… All children are unique and have relative strengths and weaknesses BUT not all children are gifted and talented. We identify to determine students who have exceptional learning needs. We believe that no child should be left behind but in terms of the gifted, no child should be KEPT behind.