Welcome to Geometer’s Sketchpad Please place a sticker on the graph… I’d greatly appreciate a helpful, quick glance of our experience in the room.
Learning Target: Points, lines, segments, rays, circles, text, construction, measuring, transformations, document options, graphing, tables, calculator Become familiar with using GSP: Complete at least one lab Decide upon at least one new way you can use GSP in your mathematics classroom starting in the fall Success Criteria:
Pedagogy in the Geometry Classroom van Hieles’ levels of geometric thinking: Visualization Analysis Abstraction Formal deduction Rigor Sketchpad supports student learning at all levels
Possible uses in Classroom Presentation tool Entry Task Student lab / discovery learning Assessment / evidence of student learning
Agenda Introduction Activity #1 3 levels of options Activity #2 How does GSP support CCSS? Activity #3 Algebra Examples
Activity #1: Try Something New Happy Halloween (New to Sketchpad) Triangle Angle Sum Lab ( Some experience with Sketchpad) These are all found on the Edge link Pythagorean Triples Lab or Rhombus Proof Project (More experience with Sketchpad)
Activity #2: Alignment to CCSS Trig Lab Partially pre-made student sketch These are all found on the Edge link Level of questions aligned with CCSS Mathematical Practices Lab critical piece of conceptual understanding for students
Activity #3: Algebra Labs Slope of a Line Slope Game These are all found on the Edge link Quadratic Activity Adding and Subtracting Integers
Thank You! Please complete the exit slip. I would really appreciate your feedback and hope to be able to support you in your work in the coming school year.