Celebrating Successes Working on Challenges K-2 Literacy 2012-2013 Growth.


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Presentation transcript:

Celebrating Successes Working on Challenges

K-2 Literacy Growth


GWE STATE GWE STATE GWE STATE 1 st Time EVER beating the State in Writing!


Reading MSP Scores vs. WA State —Anonymous Teacher GreywolfState rd 70.4% 85.1 (+14.7) 73.5% (-11.6%) 68.7% (+4.8%) 4 th 67.1%67.6 (+0.5) 76.5% (+8.9%) 71.4 % (+5.1%) 5 th 73.9%70.2 (-3.7) 82.8% (+12.6%) 71.1% (+11.7%) Challenges for Teaching: Materials for Transition to Common Core Gaps in Library Resources and Informational Text Curriculum Increased Need of Keyboard Skills Need for Common Core Science Materials Ongoing Training for Common Core Lacking Staff in Wolf Den Closing the Gender Gap in Writing Challenges for Students/Families: Ongoing Economic Issues Free & Reduced on the Rise Coat & Shoe Certificates School Supplies Need for All Day Kindergarten Full OTE for Grades 1-5

5 th Grade 101/15=87% 1st Grade 52/21=72% 2nd Grade 76/15=83.1% 4th Grade 64/17=79% 3rd Grade 80/22=78% 6 out of 22 were SPED 13 out of 22 were SPED 5 out of 15 were SPED 3 out of 15 were SPED 7 of 21 were SPED

5 th Grade 77/39= 66% 1st Grade 54/20= 72.3% 2nd Grade 67/24= 73.3% 4th Grade 63/18= 78% 3rd Grade 86/16= 84% 7 out of 16 were SPED 11 out of 18 were SPED 6 out of 19 were SPED 3 out of 24 were SPED 5 of 20 SPED

5 th Grade Science MSP 99/17= 85.5% 4th Grade Writing MSP 52/28= 65% 13 out of 28 were SPED 7 out of 17 were SPED

WA State Board of Education Achievement Index ( data will be available in February 2014)

 Increase fluency and mastery of basic math fact skills.  Continue to improve math understanding in the area of problem solving and multi- step problems using a variety of strategies/techniques. Examples may include using content specific vocabulary in written responses, acting out problems or using manipulatives. MATH GOAL  Focus on integrating the Common Core Mathematical Practice Standards with the Common Core Math Content Standards using grade level appropriate materials.  Track individual student progress using assessment data to differentiate and enhance individual student learning. Continue to use OTE, IXL, and small group instruction, leveled math rotations, targeted instruction and in class math support by Special Services and Title 1 staff.

Leveled Math Rotations

Using Flash Masters, Math Websites, IXL, and Classroom iPads

Problem Solving We will improve problem solving math scores by focusing on consistent strategies with help from our math coaches.


 The foundation for staff and student interactions at Greywolf is established through our CARES program. CARES: Cooperation, Attitude, Respect, Effort, and Safety is a belief that the giving or showing of respect and receiving respect in return produce the optimal setting for quality student learning. We also believe that positive connections between our staff and our students and parents increase the success of students at school. Culture Goal Cooperation Attitude- Positive Attitude Respectful & Responsible Effort- Quality Effort in Work & Behavior Safety at ALL Times Cooperation Attitude- Positive Attitude Respectful & Responsible Effort- Quality Effort in Work & Behavior Safety at ALL Times  We will carry on our tradition of recognition assemblies where students earn recognition certificates for academic and behavioral efforts. Examples of certificates available are the Golden Note, Golden Sneaker, and Golden Beaker whole class awards along with individual awards such as CARES, Reading Explorers, IXL, Accelerated Reader, clean desk, and Bucket Filler (kindness) awards. Last year our students earned almost 8,000 awards.

 Parent school partnership is a goal for GWE. Currently, 100% of our staff are members of our local PTA. Working with our PTA, we will continue our enrichment assemblies (Family Fun Night, Reading, Math, Movie night, Reptile man) with the focus of building and strengthening school and student partnerships. Our enrichment events historically bring over 1000 parents to Greywolf each year, building a connection between the work of students at school and home. More Culture Goals  We want students to feel connected to school while learning appropriate social skills with peers and adults. Our school counselor also supports students and families through community programs which help connect our students to agencies that will help them meet their basic health and clothing needs. Students are also offered a Peer Mediation training and implementation program, a kindness campaign, monthly class meetings to teach and support social skills with follow up groups and individual support.  Co-curricular clubs, as well as our after school academic enrichment program OTE, also increases student’s connections to school, we expect over 200 students will participate in these after school activities.

This year all teachers will use Common Core and be evaluated through the Danielson Framework. Grades K, 1, 2, implementing Common Core 100%, and grades 3, 4, 5 implementing Common Core 100% by Eight certificated staff members will be on a comprehensive evaluation for the school year, with all teachers completing a comprehensive evaluation by The remaining staff members are focused on Domain 4, Professional responsibilities, participating in a professional community and team student growth goals. TPEP & CCSS Goal

Common Core Standards

This year Greywolf will build knowledge through content rich, non-fiction reading. We will strive for a balance between fiction/non-fiction instruction. Also, we will be obtaining literary resources/choices that engage males in order to close the gender gap. As we move to align to the Common Core State Standards, Greywolf has put many resources in place including Wolf Den (LAP), K-3 Literacy support, Read-Write (4 th & 5 th ), PDM/District training with District coaches, and Accelerated Reader to support student reading development. ELA Goal

ELA Common Core Shifts

The ELA Shift English Language Arts/Literacy Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Mathematics Focus is narrowed in order to maximize depth of learning Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades Rigor: In major topics pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity

Targeted Instruction for All Students

We PASSED MSP Reading!