Southeast Asia
Malay Peninsula and Isthmus of Kra Strait Of Malacca
Association of South East Asian Nations ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations NAFTA is to North America as ASEAN is to South East Asia
Irrawaddy River Starts in Himalayas Forms a delta
Impact of industrialization of the city?!?! Indonesia = World’s 4th largest population Jakarta (On Java Island) = Capital of Indonesia World’s largest population of Muslims Impact of industrialization of the city?!?!
Industrialization Sweatshops
“Economic Tiger” -countries with strong economic growth Singapore: Smallest nation of SE Asia / Microstate “Economic Tiger” -countries with strong economic growth Singapore wished to be independent b/c most of the people of Malaysia were Muslim, while the people of Singapore were mainly Chinese and Buddhists.
Vietnam War - A Stage of the Cold War A Struggle of Ideals
Genocide / Ethnic cleansing Khmer Empire Khmer Rouge = Political Party Encouraged Agrarian Society The Killing Fields Genocide / Ethnic cleansing Pol Pot = Leader of the Khmer Rouge