1. Listening & Raising Hand -When teacher is talking, we listen!! -When another student is talking with permission, we listen!! -We listen with our voices off and our eyes on the person who is talking! -We raise our hands to receive permission to talk.
2. Following Directions We listen carefully to all directions given before beginning. If we have any questions we raise our hands to ask. No question is a dumb question! If we have a question while working we raise our hand again for the teacher to come to you or call you to her desk.
3. Using study periods wisely When we are given time to work on an assignment, we use that time for that purpose only. Only when we have finish that assignment, do we begin to work on anything else. When we have finish all of our work, we ask permission to do something else. Don’t think that you will just do work at home and use study time for play.
4. Working quietly When we are given time to work, we do so with our voices off. If you have a question, raise your hand. Do not visit with your neighbors during work time. When working in groups we use our 6 inch voices and talk with only those in our group about the task we are working on.
5. Being Prepared We will come to school prepared to learn. We will make sure we have our pencils sharpened first thing in the morning. We will have our assignments and homework that are due today completed. We will have a good attitude about learning!
6. Work/Homework Completed We understand that we will have homework sometimes. We will make sure that we have our work and homework completed when it is due. If we are not sure when something is due or we have questions about our work, we will ask the teacher! We will take pride in our work!!
7. Respecting Others I will be proud of myself. This means I will praise or congratulate others when they do a good job. I will not name call or put down anyone If I have a problem with anything, I will go to the teacher first. I will respect others even if we aren’t the best of friends.
8. Appropriate behavior on the playground Play safely on/with equipment Rocks stay on the ground Stay away from softball field fence Interact with others fairly & kindly Respect others property Stay within in playground boundaries Line up immediately & safely when signaled Enter & exit building using line basics No personal equipment on the playground Must have boots & snow clothes to play in snow
9. Appropriate behaviors in specials We will follow rules & expectations of the specials’ teachers We will respect the teacher We will walk to and from specials using line basics
10. Treating adults with respect We will treat all adults we come in contact with at school with respect. This means all other teachers, secretaries, aides, lunch ladies, volunteers, and parents. If we do not know an adults name, we will ask them politely and then call them by it. We will not say, “hey teacher” or “hey you”.
Consequences If I do not follow these expectations, I will accept responsibility for my behaviors and make the correction. If I do not follow these expectations, I will be asked to flip a card. This means I will walk quietly to the card chart and take the card that is first & put it last. I will do this without pouting or creating a problem. If I refuse to flip a card, I will have to flip 2 cards for being disrespectful.
Rewards I will be rewarded for following expectations by earning points each day. I can redeem my points for rewards from the points boxes.