The Road to the Revolution Booklet Study Guide Answers to Events A - E Packet Pages 2-4
A. French & Indian War Who won? Why was the war fought? British (and their colonists) Why was the war fought? Over the land in the Ohio River Valley/Great Lakes area. Both the French and British wanted it What great problem did the war create? When the colonists wanted to move onto this land, the Indians attacked them Britain had a lot of debt What victory was the key to overall victory for the British? The Battle of Quebec Who was dispatched to the PA backwoods to stop the French? George Washington Which side did the majority of the Indians support? The French What was the war called in Europe? The Seven Years War
B. Treaty of Paris What was the land settlement? (Who got what?) France lost their land in North America Britain got all land East of the Mississippi River Spain got all land West of the Mississippi River What does graft mean? corruption
C. Pontiac’s Rebellion Why did it occur? Where did it occur The Indians were upset with British traders and settlers moving onto their land Where did it occur Throughout the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley How successful was it? At first, it was successful When they put Fort Pitt under siege, British sent more soldiers British won the Battle of Bushy Run and the Indians signed a peace treaty
D. Battle of Bushy Run Who was fighting? How did the British win? The Indians (Pontiac’s Rebellion) had Fort Pitt (British) under siege. Britain sent more soldiers. How did the British win? A disciplined, Indian style fighting Where did the battle take place? About 20 miles east of Fort Pitt What did Bouquet build? The flour bag fort
E. Proclamation Line of 1763 What did it prohibit and why? The colonists were not allowed to move west of the Appalachian Mountains To prevent any more fighting with the Indians British wouldn’t send more soldiers to defend the colonists, too expensive It was disrupting trade Where were no settlements allowed? All the land west of the Appalachian Mountains What did it create? An Indian Reservation on the land between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian Mountains