Writing an Amazing Thesis Statement Developmental Writing II
What is the purpose of a thesis statement? The thesis sentence restricts and controls the ideas that are covered in a longer paper. It is the most general statement in an essay and it directs and determines the topic sentences that will be used to support the thesis statement.
Thesis Statements and Organization The thesis statement determines the organization for your paper. You can write a thesis in two ways: one that clearly states the direction for the longer paper or one that states the direction and specifies the points to be covered.
Coordinate and Subordinate Ideas in Thesis Statements Coordinate ideas are two or more divisions in the paper that are of equal value. The degree of equality is determined by the restriction and direction of the thesis statement.
Coordinate and Subordinate Ideas in Thesis Statements Each division must be subordinate to one idea. All the points you want to make should be coordinate (equal) and subordinate (under) to the main idea of the paper. The Four Seasons
Overlapping Coordinate Ideas Overlapping occurs when two or more coordinate ideas have about the same meaning. You do not want overlapping coordinate ideas because you will not be able to elaborate on both of these ideas in one paper.
Examples of Overlapping Redecorating a house requires creativity, time, talent, and money. While raising children, parents try to be sensitive, understanding, and cheerful. When choosing a candidate to elect citizens should be aware of their experience, foreign policy, work history, and morals.
Parallel Form If your thesis statement previews the points to be covered in your paper, be sure that each point is written in the same grammatical form. This is called parallel form. Some common forms are –ing, present tense, nouns, to…, prepositional phrases.
Examples of parallel form My hobbies are swimming, shopping, and eating. There are three steps to a greener earth reduce, reuse, recycle. While traveling make sure you take a carry on, be aware of your surroundings, and have a lot of fun.
Generating a Thesis Statement Basics It focuses on a single main point or position about the topic. It is neither too broad nor too narrow. It is specific. It is something that you can show, explain, or prove. It is a forceful statement written in confident, firm language.
On Your Own Music Or College Write three thesis statements that clearly states the direction for the longer paper. Write a thesis that states the direction and the points to be covered. Topic Music Or College
One Main Point Your thesis should focus on only one main point. Example In the next decade, many schools will have a drastic shortage of teachers. Or Exercise is the best way to lose weight especially if you eat better, stretch well, and do weight training.
In your groups Write three thesis statements with one main point about any topic. Make sure they have only one main point.
Not too broad or too narrow Your thesis should fit the size of the essay assignment. If it is too broad it will be impossible to support fully in a short essay. If it is too narrow it will not give you enough to write a whole essay on. Too Broad – Family is an essential part of life. Too narrow – My family members all have the same middle name.
In Your Group Look at your thesis statements. Take out any statements that are too broad or too narrow to develop an entire essay.
Be Specific A strong thesis statement gives readers specific information so that they know exactly what the writer’s main point is. General – Next month is a big one for me. Specific – Next month will bring several important events.
In Your Group Take one of the thesis statements and circle the statement that makes that thesis specific. If you don’t think your examples can do this then revise one of them so that you have a good example.
Show, Explain, or Prove If a thesis is so obvious that it doesn’t need support, or if it states a known fact, you won’t be able to say much about it. Obvious – Many people own pets Revised - In many households, pets get all the respect and privileges of a family member.
Forceful and Confident A strong thesis statement should be forceful and definite. Avoid writing a thesis statement that begins, “In this essay I will show…” Don’t say you will make a point. Just Do It! Example High school dropouts can expect to face surprising hardships in life.
Examples States the direction and specifies the points to be covered Parents who read to their children advance the child’s education by teaching them cognitive thinking, story skills, and proper grammar. Clearly states direction Parents who read to their children are advancing their children’s education by two years.
In Your Group Take one of the thesis statements and underline the section that shows, explains, or proves your idea. If you don’t think your examples can do this then revise one of them so that you have a good example.