TIG How can we support English Only (EO) students during TIG?
TIG T IME D EFINITION A designated time (45 minutes) during the elementary school day designed for providing differentiated targeted instruction (TIG) to groups of students. TIG time is scheduled at the same time, every day, across grade levels, or grade level clusters. During TIG time, children may leave their homeroom to receive instruction in a different room, from a different teacher. Usually, ELD, reading interventions, or reading and writing enrichment are offered during TIG time.
TIG (T ARGETED I NSTRUCTIONAL G ROUPING ) In the Jefferson Elementary School District 45 minutes (30 minutes on Wednesdays) of TIG/ELD is scheduled daily. TIG is a time for students to be grouped homogeneously. ELD groups are made based on CELDT data. Teachers will use the Language Central curriculum and EL daily routines and Weekly Planners as they deliver their ELD program. Teachers will use the Pearson core program and ancillary materials during TIG for their EO students. Use CST data, diagnostic assessments, unit analysis data and benchmark data for EO groups.
U SING YOUR GRADE LEVEL DATA FOR E NGLISH O NLY TIG Look at CST and Curriculum Associates Strands Literary Response Reading Comprehension Word Analysis Writing Conventions Writing Strategies Look at Pearson Unit Test Sections comprehension skills word work vocabulary writing reading fluency
P OSSIBILITIES FOR EO’ S D URING TIG Intensive (Needs a push) Students
A NCILLARY M ATERIALS GRADES K -5 Extra Support Teaching Guide provides more intensive instruction, scaffolding, practice with critical skills and more opportunities for students to respond. Content Readers leveled readers (extra support) that provide opportunities to build vocabulary, understand concepts and develop reading fluency. Fresh Reads provide practice in the targeted reading comprehension skills taught during the week and are written to address the varying levels of reading proficiency. Intervention Kit (1-3) Intensive Vocabulary Kit (K-3) Process Writing (6 Traits, Workshop)
W HAT IS IN THE E XTRA S UPPORT M ANUAL ? Materials that reinforce and extend the daily lesson. Instructional opportunities to increase background knowledge and reteach prerequisite skills. Pre-teaching and re-teaching of lesson skills. Additional practice in key skills and strategies taught in the daily lesson. Additional opportunities for vocabulary and concept development. Additional opportunities for checking for understanding.
W HAT ’ S IN THE R EADING I NTERVENTION K IT ? The Placement Tests in the kit will pinpoint the specific skills in each area of which a child needs intervention. The “Interpreting the Results” for each test will direct you to the lessons to use with the children. Intervention lessons are in the areas of Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and Decoding, Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension. In determining the child’s placement in the intervention lessons, also consider the child’s performance on classwork and assessments. For some students the daily Extra Support lessons will be sufficient to provide the boost they need to meet grade level benchmarks. For those who need more intensive intervention, use the Intervention Kit.
W HAT IS THE I NTENSIVE V OCABULARY K ITS (G RADES K-3)? The purpose of these materials is to increase the oral vocabulary of students with limited vocabulary. The lessons correspond with the Unit and Week you are teaching. The Teacher’s edition has a weekly five day lesson plan of daily minute lessons, designed for explicit, sequential, systematic instruction in vocabulary. The kit included Read Alouds and color vocabulary cards.
P OSSIBILITIES FOR EO’ S D URING TIG Strategic (Almost There) Students
P OSSIBILITIES FOR EO’ S D URING TIG Process Writing (6 Traits, Workshop) Content Readers (More Practice) Readers’ Theater Fresh Reads Speaking & Listening Oral Presentations
P OSSIBILITIES FOR EO’ S D URING TIG Benchmark (Ready for more) Students
W HAT IS IN THE A DVANCED M ANUAL ? Acceleration of the curriculum to provide more advanced work. Replacement of the regular reading material with more advanced selections. Creative or critical thinking activities and advanced inquiry projects. Opportunities for independent learning. Recommendations for advanced trade books on the week’s concept. Interest-based reading opportunities.
P OSSIBILITIES FOR EO’ S D URING TIG Inquiry Projects Process Writing (6 Traits, Workshop) Oral Presentations Content Readers (Advanced) Readers’ Theater
O THER GREAT RESOURCES Writing Rubrics & Anchor Papers Practice Station Management Handbook (grades K-5) Welcome to your Grade Book CCSS Writing Standards 1, 2 & 3 CCSS Speaking & Listening Standard 1