An r-blend is when a consonant is followed by an r.
There are 7 r-blends. br cr dr fr gr pr tr
Think about the following riddles. The answers all begin with an r- blend.
I am tall. You can climb me. I provide shade. I have leaves. tree
Sometimes I’m white. Sometimes I’m wheat. I’m made as a loaf. I’m something you eat. bread
I’m a group of animals. Led by a king. You’ll find me in Africa. Lions are my thing! Pride
Rock-a-bye baby. Time to go to sleep. I am the baby’s bed. So please don’t make a peep! cradle
I may be a glass of water. Coffee, milk, or tea. After eating food that is spicy, You will want a sip of me! drink
You tell me your secrets. And play with me at recess. BFF’s forever! You are my best! friend
Kristen Cordes Woodland Elementary 2 nd Grade r-blends