BRISTOL WARREN REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Implementation of RI Educator Evaluation System
Differentiated Model – Minimum Requirements EPPS – All schools 1 PGG – Effective and Highly Effective Educators Performance Improvement Plan – Developing or Ineffective Educators 2 Evaluation Conferences (BOY, EOY) – Tenured Effective and Highly Effective Educators 3 Evaluation Conferences – (BOY, MOY, EOY) Non-tenured Educators and Developing or Ineffective Educators
Differentiated Model 1 Observation (unannounced) – Tenured Highly Effective Educators 2 Observations (1 announced, 1 unannounced) – Tenured Effective Educators 3 Observations (1 announced, 2 unannounced) Non- tenured and Developing Educators or any teacher in a certification renewal year 4 Observations (1 announced, 3 unannounced) Ineffective Educators
Differentiated Model PF – All educators scored holistically on all 8 components by end of year. 2 SLOs all educators (Choice Model) RI Growth Model Rating – Will not be used as an element in determining summative ratings for purpose of personnel decisions for teachers and principals
Choice Model for SLO Development Educators may choose 2 school-based SLOs or Model 1 One content-based SLO aligned to: Student need evidenced by SIP and classroom achievement data Content Standards (GLEs. GSEs, CCSS, National) Tiered, rigorous achievement targets assessed by at least 2 measures Approval of evaluator One school-based SLO One Professional Growth Goal
Choice Model for SLO Development Model 2 Two content-based SLOs aligned to: Student need as evidenced by SIP and classroom achievement data Content standards (CCSS, GSEs, GLEs, National) Tiered, rigorous achievement targets assessed by at least two (2) measures Approval of evaluator 1 Professional Growth Goal that aligns to a school-based SLO and requisite criteria – Educator provides evidence and artifacts supporting attainment (Refer to SLO Guidance Memo, April 2013)
Timeline SLOs - Submitted by the 30 th instructional day and approved by Oct. 30 th. Performance Improvement Plans – Developed and approved by 30 th instructional day Non-tenured educators – Required MOY conference by 3 rd week of January All required observations conducted Indication of Final Effectiveness Rating in Priority Feedback
Timeline Tenured Effective and Highly Effective Educators – MOY conference optional; if requested completed by March 15 Tenured Developing or Ineffective Educators – MOY conference conducted by Feb. Break Required observations conducted Indication of Final Effectiveness Rating included in Priority Feedback EOY conference for all educators must be completed and finalized in EPSS by last instructional day SLO and PGG data submission data determined at each grade level Final Effectiveness Ratings submitted to RIDE through EPSS by June 30.