Science MCA-II Directions Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Science MCA-II Directions Today you will take the Science MCA-II test. You will take the science test on a computer.
What you need Put everything away except: pencils scratch paper Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions What you need Put everything away except: pencils scratch paper headphones
Scratch paper Write your name on the top of the scratch paper. Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Scratch paper Write your name on the top of the scratch paper. You must turn in the scratch paper and student authorization ticket before you leave.
Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions How to log in
Student Authorization Tickets Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Student Authorization Tickets You will get a Student Authorization Ticket and a piece of scratch paper. Find your name on the ticket next to Student Name.
Student Authorization Tickets Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Student Authorization Tickets If your name is not on the test ticket, please raise your hand.
Login Type in the Login ID and the Test Code from your ticket. Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Login Type in the Login ID and the Test Code from your ticket. 5555000056789 PEM96473326 ABC123 6DCBHB
Login Click the Login button to start the test. 5555000056789 ABC123 Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Login Click the Login button to start the test. 5555000056789 ABC123
Login Look for your name at the top of the screen. Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Login Look for your name at the top of the screen. If you don’t see your name, raise your hand.
Do not close the test window Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Do not close the test window Be careful! Do not click the in the upper right corner or your test will close and we will need to restart your test.
Problems during the test Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Problems during the test If you have a problem with your computer, raise your hand. If you feel sick or need to use the bathroom, raise your hand. Only one student at a time may leave the room.
Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Begin the test When you are told to begin, put your headphones on and start the test. The test will begin with instructions about how to take the test.
When you have finished for the day, Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions When you have finished for the day, Turn in your student authorization ticket and your scratch paper before you leave.
Do you have any questions? Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions Do you have any questions?
END Science MCA-II Test Monitor Directions The names and data displayed in this presentation are fictitious, used solely for the purpose of demonstrating the functionality of the site and test. Any similarity to real persons is coincidental and not intended by MDE or Pearson.