Oregon Leadership Network Fall Leadership Institute Lloyd Center Doubletree Portland, Oregon November 28, 2007
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, History effort A decade of work toward sustainability $3,000,000 Funding support from Wallace Foundation Research Publications, research reports and studies Policy Licensure standards, program revisions Practice “administration to leadership” Culturally competent instructional leadership
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, OLN Coherence Framework Mission Why this work exists Vision Our desired future Condition of Practice Powerful lever for improvement Theory of Action Collective belief about actions necessary to fulfill the mission Strategy A set of deliberate actions to provide capacity and support for the relationships among teachers, students and rigorous content Leadership The ability to mobilize, achieve and sustain coherent improvements, among varied interests, towards set of commonly constructed outcomes.
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Mission Why this work exists Strengthen educational leadership to increase equitable outcomes and improve student achievement and success
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Vision Our Desired Future All Oregon school and district leaders model demonstrably enhanced practice through culturally competent instructional leadership anchored in Oregon’s research-based leadership standards
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Condition of Practice Powerful lever for improvement Assessing school and district leadership performance by examining the behaviors that professional development is designed to foster
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Theory of Action Collective belief about what is necessary to fulfill mission If…a coherent system of standards-based leadership development in Oregon is a powerful contribution to continuously improving the instructional core of teachers and students engaging with rigorous content; Then… culturally competent instructional leadership will increase equitable outcomes and improve student achievement and success.
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Strategies Deliberate Actions Strengthen culturally competent instructional leadership to increase equitable outcomes and improve student achievement and success
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, The Oregon Leadership Network Mission Condition Theory of Action Vision Strategies Effective System Practice
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, OLN – Who are We? 12 school districts, 1 ESD (9 school districts) 46.2 % of the state student population Eight administrator licensure programs Stakeholder organizations Professional associations State agencies
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, OLN Partners Partner School Districts Bend-LaPine Beaverton Bethel Eugene Hillsboro Lincoln County Nyssa Portland Redmond Salem-Keizer South Lane Southern Oregon ESD (9 school districts) Springfield Partner Associations and Organizations Chalkboard Project COSA E3 NWREL OALA ODE OEA ORPEA OSBA OUS TSPC
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Oregon Leadership Network Oregon Department of Education, Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Public Instruction * Redmond * Salem-Keizer Hillsboro * Beaverton * * Portland Nyssa * Bethel * * Bend-LaPine Eugene * * Springfield * Lincoln County * Southern Oregon ESD * South Lane
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Culturally Competent Instructional Leadership Culturally Competent Practice Successfully and equitably teach children of all cultures Focus on Instructional Core Teachers, students and rigorous content Oregon Leadership Standards Statewide vision for educational leadership Instruction Cultural Competency Leadership
Oregon Leadership Network November 28, Our Task Today Instruction Cultural Competency Leadership Identify actions from your role perspective