Ch. 29 Sec. 2 Terrestial Planets
First four Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Solid, Rocky surfaces
Mercury Closest Planet- 1/3 size of Earth Slow spin of hrs In two Mercury Years, three days have passed Atmosphere of oxygen and sodium 427 o C day temp & -173 o C night temp Based on radio observations Crater terrain formed from lava flow
Venus No moons and is the brightest planet Albedo is.75 One day is 243 Earth days in length Clock wise spin – rise in west and sets in east Retrograde rotation High density and mass CO 2 and Nitrogen Cloud cover and high greenhouse gases: from density Hottest planet – 464 o C
Earth Water exsits in three states Solid, Liquid, Gas 78% N and 21% O2 Precission Earth axis wobbles: due to moon gravitational pull 26,000 yrs for one cycle Points towards Vega
Mars Red Planet Soil red due to high iron content Composition of CO 2 and N but low density Low density constitutes low greenhouse effect Surface features Shield volcanoes: Olympus Mons: wide as Colorado and 3x higher than Everest Dried river beds and runoff channels: suggests liquid water “Dry Ice” polar Ice caps