WHAT I EXPECTED TO LEARN AND WHAT I DID LEARN Learn how to solder Learned how to solder by watching bear and YouTube videos I soldered a battery, and the esc, I also soldered a light strip Learn how to attach lights to the chassis and learn how to solder a Y harness to connect the two strips to a single battery Watched a tutorial on how to hook up lights to the chassis Watched a video on how to make a Y harness Did not have enough time to make the Y harness or connect the strips to the chassis Learn how to paint an RC body Watched many tutorials using liquid mask Figured out that it takes a while for each coat of liquid mask to dry so I watched videos that used painters tape Learn how to replace an RC motor Learned how to replace an RC motor Learned how to replace the ESC ( I needed a new esc for the new motor) Learned that the gear mesh is very important
THINGS I PLANNED TO GET DONE THAT DIDN’T GET DONE I planned to hook up lights strips to the chassis I did not get this done because soldering ttok to long and used many class periods for just one or two connections, especially the battery since the wires are so thick Learn how to paint an RC lexan body I didn’t get this done because I did not leave as much time as I though I would need for that
IF I WAS TO DO THIS PROJECT AGAIN Time management Get the right materials Dint give up if something doesn’t work the first few times Make sure the soldering iron is hot so you don’t get frustrated
TO CONTINUE THIS PROJECT Since I picked a project that I was interested in I want to finish it. So over the summer I plan to finish the lights and the body and post pictures of progress and everything when its done.
SUCCESSFUL I would give myself a 6/10 because I only accomplished putting in the new motor, replacing the old esc, and learning how to solder. I did not give myself enough time to finish the lights or the body.