My state Massachusetts By: Raquel Mosley
What state border my state? New Hampshire Vermont New York Connecticut
What is my state most famous tourist attraction? Greater Boston
What is my state area in square miles? 7,840 square miles
In what year did my state join the union (what number is it?) February 6, 1788 It was the 6 th state to join the union
What is my state’s motto, bird, tree, flower,? (nickname) We seek the peace, but peace only under liberty Black-capped chickadee American Elm Mayflower
What is my state’s population? 6,349,097 people
What is my state’s capital? Boston
Who are some famous people form my state? Samuel Adams Phyllis Wheatley
Are there any presidents who were born in my state? (if so which ones) John Adams
Who is my state’s governor? Deval Patrick