I Can’t, I’ll Try, I Will Positive Vocabulary
Grant me the…..(saying) Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.
Getting out of the ‘I Can’t’ Trap Recognize that ‘I can’t’ really means ‘I choose not to’. Realize that you always have a choice. Exercise your choice, rank priorities, and achieve what you want.
“Try” sets you up to fail & be power less by : 1. You have a ready excuse for not accomplishing what you set out to do. 2. Because of the ready excuse, you put less energy and effort into it so you usually don’t succeed. 3. You lower your self-esteem because you lack personal integrity by not fulfilling what you said.
Instead of Using ‘Try’ Decide; make a choice of whether you are going to do it or not. Make a statement that indicates your choice. You can start you sentence powerfully. Instead of “I have to”…”I choose to” Instead of “I can’t”…”I can, I choose to, or I choose not to” Instead of “I’ll try”…”I will, I choose to, or I choose not to”