Cancer Prevention! Designed by: Billy Myatt AP Biology
Intro Cancer has been an influence on many peoples lives. You and a partner will need to do some research to make sure people in America are taking all the means necessary to prevent them from being at high risk of developing cancer.
Tasks You and your partner will do research on ONE of the following cancers listed. The more information you can find the better. The main points I want you to focus on are Give some history behind the cancer What are the symptoms How can it be prevented Treatments used to treat your specific type of cancer I want all this information typed up in more than 1 page. Be sure to site all of your sources. Use a minimum of 2 sources. After you have done this use Microsoft Publisher and design a flyer describing the early signs of this specific type of cancer, how you can prevent it, and 1 website you can go to for more information on that type of cancer, and the website CAN NOT be Wikipedia. BE CREATIVE!!!!
Types of Cancer Prostate Cancer Lung Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Breast Cancer Colorectal Cancer
Evaluation CriteriaExcellent (3)Average (2)Poor (1)Score Witten Presentation Covers all topics in detail. Goes above and beyond requirements. Good grammar and very clear. Covers most topics in detail. Does not meet requirements. OK grammar but still room to improve. Does not cover any topic in detail. Does not meet any requirements. Bad grammar and not clear. Flyer Covers all information needed for flyer. Very clear and creative. Covers some information needed for flyer. Clear and somewhat creative. Covers no information needed for flyer. Not clear and not creative. Team Cooperation Team works well together. Equal amount of work done by both team members. Team works ok together. Unequal amount of work done by both team members. Team does not work well together. One team member does all of the work.
Conclusion When you have completed this assignment you will have a better understanding of the cancer you researched. You will also have improved your skills in: research, communicating, being creative, using technology, organization, and team work.
Thanks to Miss Walker’s AP Biology Class