el 16 de agosto Your name is written on a small slip of paper. Please find your name and sit in that seat. Please do not move the paper! This is where I will post class announcements and bell ringer activities, which I call “Toca el Timbre,” or TT for short. Here’s your TT for today: – When you came into the room, I said something to you in Spanish. Without talking, write that word (in Spanish) on the paper next to your name. Don’t worry about spelling. – Next, write what you think the English meaning is next to it. Don’t worry about making mistakes! Just try! ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
el 18 de agosto Today’s objective: continue to learn rules and procedures for Spanish class, get Spanish names, learn how to introduce yourself to others. TT: Write in Spanish and English on your TT sheet: – See you later! – Goodbye! TAREA: – Finish the me llamo sheet Write in MARKER Use a real picture (or ask for permission to draw) Cut out and paste onto colored paper
jueves, el 18 de agosto Our objectives today are: TT: Write the response to the following question en español (in Spanish):