INTRODUCTION TO THE TI NSPIRE GRAPHING CALCULATOR Keri Hayes Gregg Middle School Algebra 1 & 8 th Grade Math Teacher
MISSION AND VISION Mission: Dorchester School District Two leading the way, every student, every day, through relationships, rigor, and relevance. Vision: Dorchester School District Two desires to be recognized as a “World Class” school district, expecting each student to achieve at his/her optimum level in all areas, and providing all members of our district family with an environment that permits them to do their personal best.
OVERVIEW Welcome General overview of the calculator Getting Started Activity Nspired Exploration Activity Content Specific Activity/Transfer Document Questions Document Slope Images Teacher Software Navigator System
INTENDED OUTCOMES At the end of the session you will see how incorporating the TI Nspire calculators into your classroom can enhance student learning.
NAVIGATING The touch pad is like a mouse or the touch pad on a lap top.
GETTING STARTED ACTIVITY Activity Exploration What did you like? What did you not like? Ideas for use in your classroom?
NSPIRED EXPLORATION ACTIVITY Algebra based Activity Exploration How could you use this in your classroom?
CONTENT SPECIFIC ACTIVITY Topics from participants How to transfer Transfer practice Activity Exploration Ideas for use in your classroom
QUESTIONS DOCUMENT Exploration Activity Ideas for use in your classroom Student options
SLOPE IMAGES Activity Exploration How to upload images Ideas for use in your classroom
TEACHER SOFTWARE Demonstration License for two computers Questions?
NAVIGATOR SYSTEM Navigator System advantages CFU Ideas for use in your classroom Questions?
WRAP UP Questions?
CONTACT INFORMATION Keri Hayes Presenter Title (school) (cell)
Participants are asked to complete a session evaluation for each session attended. Credit (attendance, renewal, and/or technology) will be added following evaluation completion. SESSION EVALUATION Participants are asked to complete a session evaluation for each session attended. Credit (attendance, renewal, and/or technology) will be added following evaluation completion. For each question, use 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neither Agree nor Disagree, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree. Your responses will assist us in planning future professional development in Dorchester School District Two. 1) The instructor was well prepared for the workshop. 2) The materials for the workshop were appropriate. 3) The concepts presented were appropriate to my job. 4) I will benefit from attending this session. 5) I would recommend this training to others.