Supporting your student 9-12 th grade
Hazen’s High School Guidance Counselors: A-E:Christi Leick F-Li: Brenda Day Lo-Ri:Brian Creeley Ro-Z:Rita Silva-Ponds Career Center Specialist: Denise Anderson How do we help your student get to college/ achieve their goals?
Today we’ll be discussing: Steps that can be taken 9 th – 12 th grades to support your student’s goal of college Preparing students to be a strong applicant How to choose the right college/finding a “fit” How to pay for college
Suggestions for every year: 1.Help your student explore colleges they might want to attend in the future 2.Review the high school graduation requirements 3.Research college entrance requirements 4.Tell teachers your student is going to college 5.Talk to your School Counselor regularly
High School Courses H.S. Graduation H.S. Graduation 4-year college admissions/minimum Language Arts3 years4 years Social Studies3 years Math3 years 4 years (Algebra 3-4 min) Science2 years 3+ years (lab science) Occupational Ed.1.5 year1 year Fine Arts1 year Physical Education2 years1.5 years2 years/1.5 years Health0.5 year World Language not required but can be elective credits 2 years Electives6 creditsfocus on college/ career goals
What does “College Ready” mean? What do Colleges want from a College-Ready High School Graduate? Course rigor/Honors & AP, Running Start High School Transcript, class rank, and GPA Test Scores (SAT or ACT) Community involvement/service Extra-Curricular Activities (sports, clubs) Work experience Personal essays and letters of recommendation
You can encourage your student to: Ask for help from teachers, counselors, coaches, etc. Read to learn more Utilize effective study skills Manage multiple demands on their time Choose rigorous coursework: Honors classes, Advanced Placement classes, Running Start When it’s hard, talk to your student about how persevering is part of the process!
Opportunities to learn more about colleges: Local College Fairs Go visit a campus, drop in or take a tour Special programs for 1 st generation, diverse backgrounds, etc. on campuses Admissions Representatives at Hazen High School Considerations: Academic AND personal goals/needs Location, career goals, diversity, size, support Help your student make realistic choices Community college first, verses 4-year university What you do in college, is more important than where you go!
What is Financial Aid? Grants- you don’t pay back, determined by your family’s financial need Loans- you pay the government back with interest Scholarships- Students apply for on their own Private scholarships: Hazen Career Center College scholarships: Be sure to meet the college financial aid deadlines for the most opportunity You won’t know the true cost of college until your get the financial aid offer back from the college.
The FAFSA stands for “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” – the critical first step in applying for any financial aid and scholarship eligibility (College Bound Scholarship, and others!)! Senior Year: 1.Apply for a pin (ID) number in December ( One PIN for parents, one PIN for student. 2.Parent and student: Complete a FAFSA form ( after January 1 st – the sooner the better! Goal is to be done by Feb. 1 st. Never pay for financial aid or scholarship help!
1.Financial Aid Night/Money Maze: Tuesday, Dec. 10 th, 6:30 – 8 p.m., Hazen Auditorium 2.FAFSA Completion Event at Hazen: Thursday, January 16 th, 2:30 – 6:30 p.m., Hazen Library 3.Contact your school counselor 4.Call FAFSA Directly: (800)
College Board: Financial Aid Help: First in the Family: Know How 2 Go: Washington Student Achievement Council: Info for undocumented students: ndocumented/ ndocumented/
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