How much have I studied? A lot Some A little Not at all Principles of Ecology How much have I studied? A lot Some A little Not at all D C B A CDQ 1
Very well Sort of Not very well Principles of Ecology I have learned and practiced the vocabulary words as we have gone through this unit. Very well Sort of Not very well D C B A CDQ 1
How prepared do I feel for the Principles of Ecology How prepared do I feel for the Ch. 5 Test? Very prepared Sort of prepared Not very prepared D C B A CDQ 1
Which biome is the most diverse? Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems 19) Which biome is the most diverse? tundra tropical savanna tropical seasonal forest tropical rainforest D C B A CDQ 2
Which is not a renewable resource? Biodiversity and Conservation 31) Which is not a renewable resource? solar energy fossil fuels agricultural plants clean water A B C D CDQ 3
What is the number one cause of species extinction today? Biodiversity and Conservation 32) What is the number one cause of species extinction today? habitat loss human predators transported diseases background extermination A B C D FQ 7
biological magnification habitat fragmentation Biodiversity and Conservation 33) Look at the figure. Name the process that is occurring with the increasing concentration of DDT. pollution extinction biological magnification habitat fragmentation A B C D CAQ 1
How does genetic diversity increase a species’ chance of survival? Biodiversity and Conservation 34) How does genetic diversity increase a species’ chance of survival? It increases the number of organisms that have useful genes. It increases the ability of a species to adapt to environmental changes. It produces a variety of species within a biological community. It randomly distributes members of a species throughout an ecosystem. A B C D STP 2
fishes killer whales sea otters algae Biodiversity and Conservation 35) If a toxic substance enters this food web, which animals will have the highest concentration of the toxic substance in their tissues? fishes killer whales sea otters algae A B C D STP 3
Certain pollutants have combined with substances in the air to form Biodiversity and Conservation 36) Certain pollutants have combined with substances in the air to form the ozone layer clean air nutrient rich air acid precipitation A B C D FQ 7
non-native species (invasive/introduced species) abiotic factors Biodiversity and Conservation 37) What organisms move into an area and dominate, often causing existing species to decrease in population size? endemic species non-native species (invasive/introduced species) abiotic factors native species A B C D FQ 7
Which is a false statement about the ozone layer? Biodiversity and Conservation 38) Which is a false statement about the ozone layer? It acts as a protective shield Human pollution has caused a hole in the ozone layer The hole in the ozone is causing global warming The ozone helps Earth to have an atmosphere A B C D FQ 7
biological augmentation biological magnification bioacuzation Biodiversity and Conservation 39) Having farmers use natural predators to control pests, instead of pesticides is called bioremediation biological augmentation biological magnification bioacuzation A B C D FQ 7
biological augmentation biological magnification bioacuzation Biodiversity and Conservation 40) What would be the best process to clean up oil spills in a natural way? bioremediation biological augmentation biological magnification bioacuzation A B C D FQ 7
How prepared do I now feel for the Ch. 6 Test? Principles of Ecology How prepared do I now feel for the Ch. 6 Test? Very prepared Sort of prepared Not very prepared D C B A CDQ 1