Parliamentary and Presidential Systems of Government
Parliamentary Government
Parliamentary Governments Democratic systems where voters elect members to the Parliament (legislature). The Parliament has two Houses: 1. House of Commons, whose members are chosen by the Political Party with the most votes in the House of Commons. 2. The House of Lords, little power with most members being nobles having inherited their titles.
Parliamentary Government Cont. The Parliament selects a Prime Minister, who is the head of the Parliament which is the lawmaking body. Some parliamentary systems may have a head of state with little power, usually a king or queen. Example: United Kingdom
Presidential Government
Presidential Government Democratic type of government where the head of state is called the President. The president is the symbol of the country and runs the day-today operation of the country. Voters elect (indirectly) the President Voters elect legislators President does not make the laws; this is done by the legislature. Example: United States
Constitutional Monarchy
Constitutional Monarchy Kings, queens, or emperors share power with elected legislatures. Generally the kings are nothing more than figureheads The government is a democratic one because the people vote for the legislature and it limits the power of the monarch. Examples of this system are Great Britain, Canada, and Australia
Comparison: Parliamentary and Presidential system
Comparison Presidential System Parliamentary system The government and members of parliament are elected in a single election. The Prime Minister is also a member of parliament. Parliament selects the Prime Minister. Prime Minister can dissolve Parliament Members of Parliament can vote to elect a new Prime Minister. The job of executive is split – Head of state has little power (may be a king, queen or president) Political parties enjoy strong position; opposition forms the most important control Presidential System President and members of Congress are elected during separate elections. The president is not a member of Congress. President does not make laws. The President is head of State and chief executive. Congress cannot force the president out of office without cause. If the president commits a criminal offence then Congress can force the president out of office following a vote on impeachment and two-thirds-majority vote. Government and president are independent of each other (no vote of confidence and no right of dissolution) Political parties have less of a role (no party discipline)
Define each term below: Political Systems Define each term below: 1.Unitary: central/national government has ALL power to make laws and decisions for the people. (U.K., France, Denmark) 2. Confederation: local/state governments make own laws for themselves. Forms a weak central government. 3. Federal: power to make laws is SPLIT between central government and state/local governments (United States)
How does each of the following governmental systems distribute or share power? Give a written explanation or draw a picture. Unitary Confederation Federal central makes ALL laws central has ALL power NO power for local/state gov’t -MOST power, laws made by local/state gov’t -Little power given to weak central gov’t POWER SPLIT Central Local Constitution defines the laws each level of gov’t can make Examples: Central laws: voting age, national security Local: education, court systems, etc
Define each term: 1. Autocratic: country governed by single person with UNLIMITED power 2. Oligarchy: gov’t in which a few powerful/rich individuals rule 3. Democratic: gov’t receives power from the people. “for the people and by the people”