Tay-sachs-Disease By: Cory Hawkins & Tj Cartwright
Tay-Sachs- Disease Where harmful quantities of ganglioside builds up Causes infants to die at an early age People show no sign.
Pedigree of disease
What causes tay-sachs-disease? Mutations in the HEX A causes TSD Build up of GM2 ganglioside In that leads to destruction of nerve cells
How common is it? It’s a very rare disease 25% chance from infant inheriting the disease Most common in eastern Europe
Every day life Carrier shows no sign of disease Live normal life They carry disease for their entire life
Treatment No treatment Working on a cure Might never actually find a cure
Physical symptoms Physical symptoms only in children People show no sign Live a normal life Infants lose the ability to crawl and smile etc.
Life expectancy Life expectancy is usually very old Infants die before age of 4 Parents who carry the disease live a normal life and show no sign
Inheritance Autosomal recessive Polygenic trait Complete dominance
Resources cited ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition sci/life/gen/lp_disorder/index.html ls/681_1227.asphttp:// ls/681_1227.asp