Camel Spider BY TJ MERRELL Period 4
Basic Information Environment – Desert Scientific name – Solifugue Other Names – Egyptian Giant Solpugid Sun Spider, Wind Scorpion. Weight – 2oz Size – 6in Speed – 10 mph Lifespan – Less than a year.
What do they EAT? Camel spiders generally eat bugs, insects, lizards, and occasionally small snakes, but a real treat that they eat is the belly of a camel.
ORDER Kingdom- Animalea Class- Arachnida Order- Araneae Family- Solpugid
Special Adaptions One thing that helps the Camel Spider survive in its environment is its pincher like jaws that can tunnel through the sand for the camel spider to find shade. Another thing that helps it survive in its environment is how it looks, people often get scared of it because they think that it is trying to attack them when it really is trying to get to the persons shadow. Another special adaption that camel spiders have to the desert is that they are the color of the sand so they will blend in which is easier for them to catch they’re prey.
Do Camel spiders chase Humans? No, they do not, it may often seem like they are, but they are really only trying to get in to the persons shadow. Camel Spiders will do whatever the can to stay out of the sun. They are very nocturnal. At night time though, the Camel Spider is drawn to light. During the day they will dig burrows to hide from the sun.