Registration Tutorial Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Trouble Shooting Tips
Before registering make certain your licensing representative has your contact address correctly entered into CLASS (Child-Care Licensing Automated Support System). If you have AOL… Be sure to add to your address book before If you have Certain addresses… We are experiencing problems with certain addresses and are working to fix the problem. These include: RoadRunner,, Comcast, and some other smaller independent services.) If you do not receive the confirmation when registering, you might try another address such as a free account. If you have Hotmail … Check your “junk” mailbox. You will need to specify that CLASS is “Not Junk”. Getting Started Suggestion for child care centers: Set up the background address in an account related to the operation rather than an individual person. (People come and go and they do not always share the information needed to get into the account.) This allows another designated person to access the account if the primary is out ill or on vacation.
Non-personal *See trouble shooting *See trouble shooting
Non-personal *See trouble shooting if Forgotten.
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When the Background check request has been received, you will either get “date submitted” (successful) or “Error”. Error means the gender or date of birth does not match what is in the CLASS records. Contact your Licensing Rep to verify which information is correct.
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Q. I forgot my User ID or Password. How do I get a new one? A.You can request the information from the Login page. There is a link “Click here if you forgot your User ID or Password.” They will be sent to you. (Note: the User ID does not change.) Once you receive the new password, it is better to “copy and paste“ (making sure there are no extra characters on either end) than to type it. As soon as you get in, be sure to immediately go to the “change your password” link on that page and “paste” the password that is still in memory (on your curser), into the “current password” field. Then you can create your own new password. More…. Q. Why do I receive cleared background check result s without being registered? A. If a contact address is entered into CLASS, you will receive the cleared background checks. You will not however be able to use the online services until you complete the registration procesess. FAQ’s Q. When I registered, I received a message: “You have successfully submitted a registration request. Please see the message sent to you to complete your registration.” But it never came. A.You are not registered until you respond to the . See Trouble Shooting tips.
If you have additional questions, please contact your licensing representative. Q. I am a faith-based operation and have not received the confirmation . A.Often the security at a faith-based operation, such as a church, is higher and will sometimes filter out bulk (like ours). Speak with your organization’s security department to see if our address can be added as an exception. Otherwise you may need to set up another address such as Yahoo for the background checks. FAQ’s Q. I am going on vacation and will be gone for two weeks. The address for the center is in my personal account and I don’t want anyone using it. Will the licensing representative cite for not completing the background checks until I return? A. If you have set up the background checks to be sent to a personal account, (not recommended), it would be advisable to set up the account specifically for background checks. By doing this, any designated person can enter and receive background checks in your absence. The operation will be in violation if time frames are missed. To change your , notify your licensing representative of the new “contact” address. The change will go into effect one day after the information is entered into the CLASS system. You do not have to re-register or change your password. Back to beginning
Before registering make certain your licensing representative has your contact address correctly entered into CLASS (Child-Care Licensing Automated Support System). If you have AOL… Be sure to add to your address book before If you have Certain addresses… We are experiencing problems with certain addresses and are working to fix the problem. These include: RoadRunner,, Comcast, and some other smaller independent services.) If you do not receive the confirmation when registering, try another address such as a free account. If you have Hotmail … Check your “junk” mailbox. You will need to specify that CLASS is “Not Junk”. Trouble Shooting Tips Suggestion for child care centers: Set up the background address in an account related to the operation rather than an individual person. (People come and go and they do not always share the information needed to get into the account.) This allows another designated person to access the account if the primary is out ill or on vacation. Back to beginning