Teacher Counselor Exchange 2011 Lauren Bedich Stacey Briggs
TV Broadcasting
Assume Nothing Most people assume there are only a few positions/careers that are really involved in TV broadcasting, such as: Anchormen Directors Producers Cameramen
The Plan of Action Our plan was to look into the field of TV broadcasting and report solely on careers in front of the camera. However, we soon discovered that all performers must still perform numerous tasks that include a multitude of skills, talents and expertise.
Targeted Population Initial Targeted Population: - 9 th through 12 th grade students with an interest in TV production New Targeted Population: - Entire student body
How to reach the masses? Best method to reach the entire student body with this information, was with the school news broadcast.
Double Whammy
Course Selection Impact Essentially all courses connect in some way to careers within a TV broadcasting station. Including but not limited to: Business/Marketing Sales/Accounting Graphic Arts/Web Design Journalism/Creative Writing Photography Drama/Performing Arts Physics
District Visit: Lakeland HS Courses offered: Basic Video Advanced Video Applied Video Intern Broadcast News HVS-TV Intern Benefits: CFE may be furthered developed and expanded to reach all students with a variety of interests and goals.
Campus Visit: OSTC-SW Differentiated Learning First Year Students complete core curriculum in technical, integrated, academic and workplace skills. Exposed to different angles within this field and offered job shadow opportunities and competitions
Workforce Visit: Joseph Productions Here we saw the smallest scale production of what we researched in broadcasting. Though it was a small venue, it was big in the amount of work still required.
Workforce Visit: Compuware Arena Student interns worked with experienced media personnel on local, live and taped broadcasting of games. We saw producers, directors, and computer engineers in action, and all that required to run what may appear to be a “small production.”
Workforce Visit: Channel 7-WXYZ This is really where it hit home for us that multitudes of careers are needed and utilized for a station of this magnitude to operate. Our eyes were opened to the amount of high school classes we could actually promote for this field.
Channel 7 Studio
Lesson 1 Theater Arts/ TV Production Improv activity modeled after TV Shows where acting and performing skills are learned Refinement of spontaneity and body movement skills are taught if one chooses a career that puts them in front of the camera.
Channel 7 News Room
Lesson 2 Journalism/English Learn the art of writing for an interview Learn how to compile separate pieces into a flowing presentation Learn the importance of gathering and reporting on accurate and fact-based information, and presenting it in a professional, responsible way.
Lesson 3 TV Production 1&2/ Journalism Student learn the art of taking all gathered information such as interview material, research, etc., and formulating it into a newscast.
TV Broadcasting Business/ Sales & Marketing Web/Graphic Design JournalismWriting Photograph y DramaPhysicsCTE
Jeopardy Game Computer Program Poster Board for schools with limited funding or computer access Played in broadcast studio over live newscast A creative visual that provides valuable information about the countless careers needed in this field. Game Rules: - Students pick their category and dollar amount and answer the questions accordingly.
That’s a wrap! Students will be educated and enlightened on levels they never expected on the ways essentially any career field can be utilized in the area of TV broadcasting.