Standard 5.4 E.Q. How did the US get involved in World War 1? U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN THE WAR
U.S. remained neutral at the outbreak of the war however various factors led to the failure of neutrality. British Blockade: Traditional trading partnership with Great Britain and the blockade of German ports by the British navy severely limited American trade with Germany. American businesses made loans to the Allies in order to continue trade. US VIEW
Impacted by the traditional connection the British. Did not want to get involved in European conflicts. Against: Criticized the war as a capitalist plot; imperialist struggled between German and English support. Believed that war was evil and that the US should set an example of peace. For: Those who believed we had strong ancestral ties to Great Britain & those were that were concerned about our economy. We tended to trade more with the Allied Powers than we did with the Central Powers. PUBLIC OPINION
German U- Boats Unterseeboot – the German word for submarine Germany responded to the British blockade by sinking any ship found around Britain. Lusitania May 7 th 1915: German U – Boat sunk a British passenger liner. 128 Americans aboard drown Germany defended their actions by saying that the ship was carrying weapons. LUSITANIA
A telegram from the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico. A telegram from Germany to Mexico promising the return of: Texas New Mexico Arizona If Mexico attacked the US, should the US enter the war. ZIMMERMAN NOTE
American mobilized for war for 2 reasons: TO ensure allied repayment of debts to the US. Prevent the Germans from threatening US shipping. The convoy system was used to guard ships against U-Boats. Americans were outraged at these German attacks. US DECLARES WAR
Selective Service Act: Men were required to register for military service. Russian Czar is overthrown. This gives us a moral obligation. Now supporters of American entry into the war could claim that this was a war of democracies against brutal monarchies because Russia’s oppressive monarchy was replaced. US DECLARES WAR